This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Monday, December 04, 2006

"Support" is the operative word.

A PSCO has been stabbed while trying to serve an eviction notice. I stay away from blogging on these awful stories as it is not for me to be flippant about someone lying in hospital, but the significant aspects that struck me about the story were:
  • Even if he had a stab vest on, he was stabbed in the neck.
  • Police officers were en route but for the PCSO arrived first and went in.
  • Was this a suitable commitment for a PCSO to undertake?
  • How much training do they get in self-defence?
  • Do they have enough experience of confrontation in their day-to-day work to practice for these situations? Do they get to observe experience colleagues or police officers dealing with confrontations which to me is the best form of training.
Any thoughts?

Do we expect too much of our PCSOs?
Sack them all!

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger Stan Still said...

Any chance of a little space on your sidebar?

You've been on mine for ages!!

04 December, 2006 22:27

Blogger Stan Still said...

Thanks in anticipation

Sorry - pressed send before I could thank you.

04 December, 2006 22:28

Blogger Magwitch said...

What kind of moron thinks that stabbing a PCSO, police officer or bailiff is a suitable response to an eviction notice? I don't know the details but presumably the PCSO was there as support for the ballifs.

Lock these arseholes up and throw away the key. They are scum!!

04 December, 2006 22:28

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Stan, er... please follow these simple steps:
Go to my blog.
View the Sidebar.
Come back to me if you have any difficulty :-)

04 December, 2006 22:46

Blogger Stan Still said...

Bizarre - it wasn't there earlier when I looked,


04 December, 2006 22:49

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Hehehe I've heard that excuse before. It's been there since the start!

04 December, 2006 22:50

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our PCSO's are quite fortunate in that our patch is so small and there are so bloody many of them (westminster) they do get to see us handle a lot more than they would anywhere else. The problem with that though is a few do seem to forget they are supposed to be non-confrontational only and I have found myself having to sort out some of their shite on more than one occasion, especially on nights. I am lucky that most of our PCSO's are switched on but some of the other teams have a bunch of twats without a fart of intelligence between them

04 December, 2006 23:00

Blogger PC South West said...

This was inevitable and the government have to take some responsibility.

04 December, 2006 23:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PCSO's exist because socialists hate the Police (they used their powers to stamp on the miners, don't you know).

I see more PCSOs than Police. Apparently their are 20x as many Police as PCSOs. I admire them for standing around in those silly hats. I ask them for directions to places I know the location of.

PCSOs seem to get payed 80% as much as PCs. Their selection proceedure is almost identical. It is not their choice that they do not get trained as much. Why should they not be given powers of arrest? The de-lineation is purely political.

Diversity in the Police is not an advantage it should be united.

I could be wrong. I am drunk.

04 December, 2006 23:16

Blogger PC South West said...

So what you are saying is make them into Police officers but pay them 80% of the wage.
I think that is the governments plan!!

04 December, 2006 23:20

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I am saying is that if they are worthy of the crown on their silly hats, they are worthy of being part of the actual Police, Maybe at a lower rank than PC, maybe with lower pay, maybe with lower resposibility, but if they are eligable for stabbing they are worthy of a hat the scrotes won't laugh at.

04 December, 2006 23:32

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My understanding is that a PCSO has been stabbed and the likelihood is at time of writing that this person will sadly die. Fucking bollocks! I understand that a 63 year old has been arrested. I hope that the police throw the book at him and charge the bastard with either attempted murder or murder. This scum needs to go down and big time. Bollocks if he or she has mental health issues or not....

05 December, 2006 00:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all my sympathy to the victim and I hope he can recover from his injuries.
This could have happened whether or not he was a CSO. Police officers have also been stabbed in the past.

On the general point of whether PCSOs are in general a good idea the BBC article states ......
"Community support officers are uniformed civilians who work alongside regular police constables.

Their job is to carry out high visibility patrols, reassure local communities of a police presence and gather intelligence."

I can remember when carrying out high visibility patrols, reassuring the public, and gathering intelligence was carried out by police officers.
It was a good grounding no matter what (if any) department or squad anyone later went in to.
Part of the training of a police officer should be doing the mundane and the routine. At the same time getting to know the public in his or her local area and learning by example from more experienced cops.
If we end up over specialising and getting rid of all our non core tasks where are the police officers of the future going to get trained.

05 December, 2006 01:40

Blogger Joe90 said...

The man who stabbed the brave PCSO will most likely get Community Service and a suspended sentance.

God help us all.

05 December, 2006 09:30

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

What if PCSOs were used as a training ground for joining up - ie instead of classroom based training? You can either join direct or become a PCSO and spend a couple of years learning some skills. Gradually you could be trained in the things you can't learn on the street, over the course of 2 years until you join up and get all your police powers. I've always thought that whilst law is important to excel at dealing with prisoners and offences, it is unnecessary for a new PC and they should concentrate on practical skills.

05 December, 2006 10:37

Blogger PC South West said...

The only question I have as to why someone would join as a PCSO and then train to be a sworn officer is "why".
The current system is ok as it is really. The same issues would arise.

05 December, 2006 15:25

Blogger Phill said...

Unfortunately part of the modern world seems to be to buck responsibility to someone further down the chain.

Nurses doing a doctors job
Care nurses doing a nurses job
Classroom assistants doing a teachers job
PCSO's doing a police officers job

What next?

There's a growing trend in this country of training and paying people less than their job's worth and wondering why it all goes horribly wrong. The only reason why we're recruiting more PCSOs and the like is because you can't outsource it to India/China.

05 December, 2006 19:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Phill said...

"Unfortunately part of the modern world seems to be to buck responsibility to someone further down the chain.

Nurses doing a doctors job
Care nurses doing a nurses job
Classroom assistants doing a teachers job
PCSO's doing a police officers job"

check this link

" Drivers will be offered breath tests by firefighters in a bid to reduce drink-driving.Fire crews will be in Newcastle between 7pm and 10pm on Friday, offering to use breathalysers on town centre visitors."

06 December, 2006 14:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Firefighters using breathalysers.
The cynic in me would say that it was just a ruse to travel round the city centre in a fire engine so that all the females could swoon at them. (They usually go round 'checking' hydrants in the city on a Friday/Saturday night in our town).
However, they are the ones that have to cut free bodies from RTA's and remove them placing them in the body bags.
In essence, it is a reasonably good idea to raise awareness of the perils of drinking and driving. A road check usually has the same effect on drivers though!

06 December, 2006 16:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 19:11

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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15 April, 2009 03:30

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15 April, 2009 11:27


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