This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Check Your Trashcan Now!

When I read this article I rushed to work on a rest day and deleted the entire contents of my trashcan. It is all over a video of a man being decaptitated falling off a flyover with the caption "Don't run from the police". Before continuing, please take my poll.

Have you ever forwarded an email from work that you know you shouldn't?
Email? Is that the same as a letter? free polls

The first things that struck me about the story are:
  • The investigation took five months.
  • The incident is perceived as racist.
  • The president of the BPA is not happy with the outcome.
  • No wrongdoing has been found by anyone over the level of sergeant. (Please bear in mind that most inspectors can't use email.)
So far this could describe any police investigation.

The only difference is that 140 officers have been disciplined over it and apparently this just isn't good enough. I would have liked to see all 440 officers who received the email fired immediately, and I hope an Inquiry will be opened soon.

If you want to know how un-racialist I am, please see below.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger PC South West said...

What a load of crap!!
It just goes to show how the force is being ran by a bunch of do gooders. I saw these pictures some time ago and just thought that will teach people to run from the Police.
I would not be surprised if some of the senior officers have seen it and thought nothing of it.
Makes me sick, what a nanny state we have become.

28 November, 2006 22:20

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

I bet if it were a "white person" then it wouldnt be racist, just a waste of an email.

As for that video, damn you bloggsy!! I just spat my drink out all over my keyboard watching that!!

28 November, 2006 22:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun Policing

28 November, 2006 23:15

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly I am shocked that you would post such a sexist video!

29 November, 2006 00:43

Blogger Old Man said...

It was interesting to note that the arresting officer's first immediate action was to automatically handcuff the perpetrator, notwithstanding the fact that the arrested person's ribcage and pelvis and arms and legs had just been crushed by two tons of vehicle.

29 November, 2006 01:03

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Joe B I like your cut of the gib young man.

29 November, 2006 01:06

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The definition of "Black" does not refer to skin colour.

29 November, 2006 01:11

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

the link doesnthave all of it on show. If it doesnt refer to skin colour, does it refer to hair colour?

29 November, 2006 08:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The NBPA Website has an interesting poll on the bottom right of its homepage.
"I agree with Affirmative Action - see under "Statement". (Anyone can vote.)"
The options one can vote for are
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Agree with conditions
Don't know

Now I'm not making any personal comment on afirmative action but shouldn't a poll to be valid give voters the option of disagreeing?

29 November, 2006 09:37

Blogger Stan Still said...

PC Bloggs

Report to my office immediately when you are next on duty with a full report on how you managed to obtain confidential police related video evidence and decided to broadcast it to the world.

Don't forget to bring a packet of Hob Nobs and two cups of tea - this could be a very long chat!

29 November, 2006 11:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My gib would have been less flappy if I had said "sexualist".

29 November, 2006 12:30

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you PC Bloggs, it is racist!

Failed 'O'level English

29 November, 2006 14:52

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone - outside of the police and any other public sector organisation - could believe that so many employees could have been involved and affected by this 'investigation'. A more pointless exercise could not have been thought up - oh sorry, there is one, theannual Police Federation Conference! The comments of the BPA chairperson were interesting, and I would like to know who was initially suffering from the perceived racism. Her comments underline how stalinist our organisation has become. Some are clearly more equal than others these days. It is also clear that there exists a necessity for racial divisions and conflict to be apparant, so that people like her can remain in their positions of power. Utter bollocks the whole thing and bollocks to all of them.

29 November, 2006 16:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done pc south west. The first comment that I read on this post and it mirrors my thoughts exactly. This sort of twaddle really makes me sick. Ok I don’t work within the police service (photographer – legal/medical you know, re-con, missing fingers, hands, assorted other bits), but working inside the service today must be like trying to fight Tyson with both hands tied behind your back. We live in a land being controlled by a bunch of shivering nancies (sic – capitalisation deliberately removed for effect). Is it any wonder we are now referred to as the united kingdom (ok so I did it twice), instead of Great Britain ??

It would be hilarious to call yourself ‘Great’ when we all know that this country is the laughing stock of the rest of the world wouldn’t it?

29 November, 2006 18:05

Blogger Unknown said...

OMG!! That was horrible!!!

01 December, 2006 08:25

Blogger Real Mom Mommy said...

Basically, I see it like this: You run from the police, and if you decide to hop over a bridge and you die, then that is a great example to others NOT to run from the police.

I believe this incident has become a 'racial' thing because officers in Merseyside had some other incidents, and these particular pictures were perfect. They also sent out one with a gorilla's face on a black woman's body titled "Miss Africa" and other homophobic and offensive emails. These incidents are indeed prejudice and racist.

So for one to just see the pictures of a black man who is now dead b/c HE chose to run from the police, and the officers didn't cause him to die, then NO, that is not racist. However, when this is not an isolated incident, when other things have taken place against a particular race or a group of people, that's where the problem is, and that is why others have a problem with it.

Before going off about 'dogooders' and had it been a white man and blah blah blah, we need the whole scoop to really understand what's going on. This is coming from a BLACK FEMALE.

*I think pics like that are cool, and I like to see the guts and stuff.

20 December, 2006 16:54

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03 April, 2009 18:50

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15 April, 2009 10:58


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