A Relieving Day.

The most reassuring part of the whole West Midlands Kidnap of a Muslim Soldier Plot, or WMKOAMSP as I will be calling it for ease of reference, is the evidence that the public's ability to understand the ins and outs of a major police investigation remains undinted. What a triumph of detective skills it is that our great British public can determine the guilt and innocence of a man based on snippets gleaned from neighbours, family, police spokespersons and random religious and/or celebrity personalities.
It only goes to prove what I always thought: that we should let the public investigate crime themselves.
Sidenote: For my fellow bloggers who may be concerned about the threat of Professional Standards descending upon them, do not fear. Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom has also been in the doghouse in the past for foolish blurtings on his blog and it never did HIM any harm.
Yes, I reviewed a bloke in custody last night who said to me 'I never done it mate, honest'.
Clearly he must be released immediately and the press alerted.
Knaves all of them.
09 February, 2007 17:37
Thanks for that last link their Bloggsy! ;)
09 February, 2007 17:58
Busybizzie...er Northern Ireland??
Aaanyhoo. I enjoyed that link, especially the following extract,
Councillor Brian Cossey said: "As a member of the residents association wah-haaaaa boo-hoo hoo. You dissing me? Show me some bloody RESPECT you OIKS! Wah ha ha - making FUN of me for being a nimby. Sniff-sniff. [stomp! Walks off in huff]
I don't know about this particular area, but from my experience in the London Borough of Happiness I could NEVER see any Councillors being this over-sensitive and immature...eeerrrr-yeeeaaaaarrrrh (in a Paxman sort of voice)
10 February, 2007 18:22
Inspector, sir, why does your name now link to an advert for Rupert Murdoch's Evil Empire of Evil?? <8-O
10 February, 2007 18:24
Keeping those ethnics in check - revised internal policy
By Order of the Twining Act 2007, section 2, I here-by authorise myself, Chief Constable Twining, to produce 10 vital protocols to keep the BPA and NBPA in check. These protocols have served since well, around 1995, and they have worked well for me. Pass these protocols forthwith within your Forces and beyond and keep some radicals in check innit.
Don't let the BPA into any meeting surrounding race equality.
Simply ignore any emails or letters that you recieve. They will simply go away if you keep shtmmmm for long enough.
Even if the BPA do get in to a meeting that you have banned them from then have a pre-meeting to discuss their attendance. Ensure the minutes to such meetings are innacurate always. Shoo shoo.
Fully control the funding of the BPA. Give them no more than £500 per annum and make it absoutely clear that under no circumstances are they to use the limited £500 funding to support any legal claims whatsoever.
Only release "sell outs", cough cough, to serve on the NBPA. That way you can be sure that they will leak information to you and you can control them as well as your local BPA.
Make sure that the NBPA deals with any troublesome ethnics that you have in your Force. The troublesome one's will end up challenging the NBPA, allowing us free time to do what we do best, NOTHING! No change mean no gains for others and more gain for me and you of course.
Tap all phones. Tap all phones to ensure there are no terrorists anywhere.
Recruit a BPA co-ordinator. Make sure he drinks like a fish and is unable to stand up or talk coherently in meetings. Send these persons on jolies abroad to keep them out of your way.
Promote "tokens", i.e those that have not a clue, and are incompetent. That way they can do your PR for you and when things go wrong you can always blame someone else.
Finally if all else fails, sack them all, all of them, dismiss them. Work well with HR. Choose you HR Director well. I say refuse them entry. Yes the HRD, refuse them.
By order of me, Chief Constable Twining, (Lord), I order the Chief Officers of the 43 force of England and Wales to here-by adopt this policy and actions immediately. I say immediately.
Chief Constable Twining, (Feb 2007),
13 February, 2007 17:12
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03 April, 2009 19:31
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