This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Are you being bullied?

I have just discovered that I am being bullied in the workplace. It is happening to three out of four women (according to that link), and as I am your average policewoman, it must therefore be happening to me. I must start to look out for the signs of this, or I am missing opportunities for a good pay out.

I wonder how many other opportunities I am missing out on to capitalise on my gender. Some readers have in the past expressed puzzlement at my lack of a "W" before my prefix, and others have just given me one anyway out of the goodness of their hearts. It does horrify me to think that there may be people out there who think that all of this wit and humour has been generated by a MAN!

However, the number of women left at my nick who still use the Dubya is dwindling, and the ones who are left are over forty and have blond hair. They aren't very good with computers and they still think it's ok for sergeants to call them "Sweetheart". As I am well under forty, very un-blonde and arrested the last person to call me "Sweetheart", I am afraid my macho masculine prefix is here to stay!

Copyright of (W)PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think ive been working too hard (yes it does happen) ive started seeing double!...or did that infallable pc bloggs hit the post button twice?

11 September, 2006 02:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting to worry too. Phenomenal and detailed output for someone who is an overworked front line officer.

11 September, 2006 06:40

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

dont think a bloke can come out with this type of humour! Good blog sweetheart ;) (sorry I couldnt resist!)

11 September, 2006 09:19

Blogger Graham Smith said...

What has gone wrong with everyone nowadays that they are so touchy about using descriptive words in friendly banter with colleagues?

ISTR there being a S/Sgt at Sutton Police Station who used to call all the WPC's "my sweetheart" when he assigned jobs to them. In return each WPC would sigh and say something like "OK sarge, I'll do it for you, you great hunk." It probably won't surprise you to discover the S/Sgt had a huge beer gut.

11 September, 2006 14:00

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

I just get jealous that the Sarge calls EVERYONE Sweetheart! If it was just for me, it wouldn't be a problem.

11 September, 2006 14:14

Blogger Bitseach said...

To non pc pc...Well you know us girls. We can't use technology as our brains get full. But we DO love fluffy kittens!! LOL :o)

11 September, 2006 23:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Graham Smith,
I do not have a problem with that if it is extended across the team - however when these terms of endearment are only aimed at female PC's you are on a slippery slope.

I was once called by somebody of supervisory rank a "petal" whilst dealing with an incident. Not very professional sounding, is it? (needless to say, out of the hearing of anyone else, I pointed out the slight fact that I do not resemble a flower nor do I have ambitions to became one)

The closest I get to a term of endearment is calling a team colleague a "mate". And this goes on both genders. Yes, it is f**king offensive and frustrating to be called love or sweetheart- this job is difficult enough without having a invariably a male officer calling you a sweetheart etc. in front of a bunch of rowdy friday night muppets. To them it is a go ahead to start calling you such - and things just get better(!) when you inform them of the small fact of about to be arrested by the "sweetheart".

12 September, 2006 12:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC Bloggs you are a legend. Quality descriptiveness, carry on the good work.

12 September, 2006 16:02

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC Bloggs you are a legend. Quality descriptiveness, carry on the good work.

12 September, 2006 16:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your a legend too. Sweetheart!

13 September, 2006 07:01

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 18:25

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15 April, 2009 08:26


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