Bollocks to Detections!
While on the subject of Horses and Hounds, a reader informs me that my link to that worthy publication was faulty, so here it is again, for those of you who are too computer illiterate to use a search engine (I do have to keep reminding myself my audience is mostly police officers).
It is also worth bringing up the Bollocks to Blair issue. This story was picked up by a number of web forums and national papers in 2005. In a nutshell, a girl was arrested for wearing a T-shirt printed with the slogan "Bollocks to Blair" on the back.
Then on 5th July 2006 two stallholders at a country fair were given £80 public order notices. Apparently someone had complained that these T-shirts were offensive.
I cannot understand what all the fuss is about. In Blandmore we are required to include "Increase Detections through use of Penalty Notices for Disorder" as one of our yearly objectives on our development records. These officers were simply obtaining detections for their force with a minimum of police time wasted. Incidentally, it appears the original T-shirt-wearer was actually de-arrested when she agreed to put on a coat. So that's an arrest for the computer but no time spent booking into custody - genius!
I am all for these senseless detections. Next time I see shoppers leaving French Connection clad in the latest logo, I will be dishing out the tickets left right and centre, now I have a precedent. As I previously commented, the best thing for all concerned nowadays is just for the public to make up their minds what is and isn't against the law, and for us police to just act on their decision and squeeze out the detections where we can.
It is worth paraphrasing here the sentiments expressed of a reader of Horse and Hound just after the PNDs issued in July:
The word "bollocks" is an old English word meaning "nonsense" and is therefore not offensive at all. I can only assume it was the word "Blair" that the caller was complaining about.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.

Then on 5th July 2006 two stallholders at a country fair were given £80 public order notices. Apparently someone had complained that these T-shirts were offensive.
I cannot understand what all the fuss is about. In Blandmore we are required to include "Increase Detections through use of Penalty Notices for Disorder" as one of our yearly objectives on our development records. These officers were simply obtaining detections for their force with a minimum of police time wasted. Incidentally, it appears the original T-shirt-wearer was actually de-arrested when she agreed to put on a coat. So that's an arrest for the computer but no time spent booking into custody - genius!
I am all for these senseless detections. Next time I see shoppers leaving French Connection clad in the latest logo, I will be dishing out the tickets left right and centre, now I have a precedent. As I previously commented, the best thing for all concerned nowadays is just for the public to make up their minds what is and isn't against the law, and for us police to just act on their decision and squeeze out the detections where we can.
It is worth paraphrasing here the sentiments expressed of a reader of Horse and Hound just after the PNDs issued in July:
The word "bollocks" is an old English word meaning "nonsense" and is therefore not offensive at all. I can only assume it was the word "Blair" that the caller was complaining about.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
I remember this story, who turned "nonsense" into such a rude, swear word though?
04 September, 2006 21:23
Where can I order such a t shirt?
Perhaps a "Bollocks to Detections" t shirt would be quite popular around the nick
04 September, 2006 22:34
I don't know why people accept the ticket. Go to court, make the little weasel that originally complained there, ruin his/her life for a few months, (probably wouldn't turn up) waste several thousand pounds of tax payers money and read the reports with glee in the local paper/Daily Mail. Imagine the proceedings as the word 'Bollocks' is pronounced many times by scuttling solicitors and benches of muppets and the/ or the Distwict Judge. Bring examples of 'FCUK' T-shirt designs in etc, but don't accept the ticket!
05 September, 2006 06:58
Surely it should have read "Bliar"?
05 September, 2006 15:20
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