Coming soon...
I reveal a Blandshire Constabulary scandal that could get me FIRED.
For now...
Keep the comments coming.
Do we believe that:
(A) It was a botched attempt to leave Matthews' partner
(B) It was a botched attempt by Donovan to hurt Matthews
(C) It was a botched attempt by the whole family to screw money out of the Sun-reading British public?
For now...
Keep the comments coming.
Do we believe that:
(A) It was a botched attempt to leave Matthews' partner
(B) It was a botched attempt by Donovan to hurt Matthews
(C) It was a botched attempt by the whole family to screw money out of the Sun-reading British public?
'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.
Me first? Good grief!
Obviously all three depending on which News(?) paper you read.
Keep it up Ellie and keep safe.
I wait with baited breath.
Dave the Dog
10 April, 2008 19:47
My vote is on C!
10 April, 2008 19:48
Two things, one, the mother has no clue about responsibility and thinks its entirely under control and there is no real problem and it was only a joke anyway and, two, the stupid boyfriend was trying a bad practical joke that got very out of hand and seems to have gotten pear shaped. Wots the betting social services will make it all ok and everyone will be able to do it all over again soon.
10 April, 2008 21:56
I think there are more revelations to come.If the story was the plot line on Eastenders or Brookside, no one would believe it.
10 April, 2008 22:04
It's intriguing to think there's a fascinating scandal, but I for one would rather you didn't tell and kept your job.
10 April, 2008 22:06
Maybe it was just Shannon trying to escape!
If you want to get out of the job just resign. It'll probably involve a lot less difficult meetings than anything which will lead to being fired.
10 April, 2008 22:17
I don't think they knew why they were doing whatever they were doing, but it certainly would have "seemed like a good idea at the time".
And of course,
it is all someone else's fault (probably the police:-P).
Had natural selection been allowed to take its course, these wasters would not now be around.
11 April, 2008 02:43
Walk before your pushed, there is nothing they like better than to hang a person out to dry, especially if they are articulate, can read and write and think for themselves. They will feel justified in ripping you and your partner and your family apart, they will destroy everything about you.
No, girl, just walk first, then fess up after you have insurance, if you need it.
11 April, 2008 07:18
Karen Matthews, possibly the only woman that gets uglier the more you drink. My money is on C though nothing would surprise me with this lot.
Please dont get fired, your blog keeps me sane!
11 April, 2008 08:16
C) for sure...
The thing that struck me was the announcement the other day that police were leafletting the estate to warn the other residents not to take the law into their own hands. What sort of place must this be....?!?
I also find it a little surprising that the real father of the kid was given custody of her brother, but not Shannon herself. Isn't that kind of unusual..?
11 April, 2008 08:51
The leaflets are a superb piece of psychology. It's like saying to a six year old: "I'm going to leave you and the cat in the kitchen for a few minutes. While I'm gone, don't put the cat in the tumble dryer".
11 April, 2008 10:23
Could we have D) All of the above?
11 April, 2008 11:21
11 April, 2008 14:09
Why the leaflets, because the place is a shithole populated by a large number of idiots who take turns to use the only brain cell available. Before Shannon was found the locals suspected a male in the area had something to do with it, dragged him out of his house and nailed him to a plank of wood! I kid you not! And it wasn't even Easter.
11 April, 2008 15:58
My moneys on "c".
11 April, 2008 22:35
11 April, 2008 23:43
acr blues:
'Before Shannon was found the locals suspected a male in the area had something to do with it, dragged him out of his house and nailed him to a plank of wood! I kid you not! And it wasn't even Easter.'
Thats bloody funny.
12 April, 2008 00:19
"Before Shannon was found the locals suspected a male in the area had something to do with it, dragged him out of his house and nailed him to a plank of wood! I kid you not! And it wasn't even Easter."
12 April, 2008 07:16
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03 April, 2009 21:13
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