Breaking News: Politican Expert in Policing!
A Yorkshire MEP thinks that introducing "Amber Alert" in this country would have found Shannon Matthews faster, and more alive. This is because left to their own devices, all police officers are latent child-murderers and would not investigate a missing child on their own.

Mr Mcmillan-Scott has obviously been spending far too much time in the European Parliament discussing the shape and texture of Euro-approved grapes. In 2006 the Child Rescue Alert was launched nationwide, although it was actually in use back in 2003 by a few forces. It is a procedure that kicks in when a police force deems a kidnapped child could benefit from it, and involves rolling out information across media outlets to try and get the child back.
As you will see, this system has radically changed the police's approach to missing children. Prior to 2003, it was handled by drawing up a press release and giving a press conference. Since 2003, it is handled by drawing up a press release and giving a press conference. Only now it's called Child Rescue Alert, which makes all the difference.
I don't blame MEP Mcmillan-Scott from trying to make a few political brownie points up north with his facile remarks. I do blame media outlets across the nation for being unaware that the Child Rescue Alert already exists. Makes you wonder just how anyone broadcast that Shannon Matthews was missing in the first place.
'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.

Mr Mcmillan-Scott has obviously been spending far too much time in the European Parliament discussing the shape and texture of Euro-approved grapes. In 2006 the Child Rescue Alert was launched nationwide, although it was actually in use back in 2003 by a few forces. It is a procedure that kicks in when a police force deems a kidnapped child could benefit from it, and involves rolling out information across media outlets to try and get the child back.
As you will see, this system has radically changed the police's approach to missing children. Prior to 2003, it was handled by drawing up a press release and giving a press conference. Since 2003, it is handled by drawing up a press release and giving a press conference. Only now it's called Child Rescue Alert, which makes all the difference.
I don't blame MEP Mcmillan-Scott from trying to make a few political brownie points up north with his facile remarks. I do blame media outlets across the nation for being unaware that the Child Rescue Alert already exists. Makes you wonder just how anyone broadcast that Shannon Matthews was missing in the first place.
'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.
I do blame this mep.
He is a twat.
I hate these `hindsight` and `if I was in charge` buffoons.
Sadly in the police we are surrounded by them.
20 March, 2008 09:02
Shannon Matthews became media-famous because her mother had seven kids by five fathers.
The amount of welfare benefit payments this attracts makes her somewhat of a role model to young girls on the Estates.
(sorry Dan - I couldn't resist it)
20 March, 2008 15:29
"Shannon Matthews became media-famous because her mother had seven kids by five fathers.'
I now wonder how Ulrika Johnson's kids will deal with their fame. Now there is a role model for young girls.
20 March, 2008 21:39
MEP Mcmillan-Scott - I seek your assistance.
I have invented something round that when attached to a box containing a load - allows it to be pushed with ease from one place to another.
I was thinking of calling it a "wheel"
Could you show me how to market it please
Ricky G
20 March, 2008 21:46
Isn’t in funny how when anything bad happens (to a sufficient level to gain press attention), the government feels compelled to ‘act’? It seems they must commence some expensive and often protracted investigation or inquiry or review (to name but a few!) regardless of what little benefit they can actually bring or how little chance there is preventing what is often be the impossible.
I remember watching a documentary on the RAF many years ago. The film crew were ‘lucky’ enough to be filming when an aircraft was lost due to mechanical failure during a training sortie (Pilot ejected safely I seem to remember). The wreckage thankfully missed anything important and lay burning in a small wood near the airfield.
The interviewer, when speaking to the CO a few days afterwards asks something on the lines of,
“Can it be justified to risk lives, millions of pounds of tax payers money and put civilian lives in danger just to train for a war, a war that might never happen?” (This was a few years ago!), to which the CO replied with the usual response about ‘minimising risks to those that are only operationally essential’, ‘safety being paramount’ and so on. But the interviewer persisted, suggesting that ‘alternatives’ could be found using simulators or some other such rubbish and pulled out some figures from somewhere to try and prove some sort of point, to which the CO, losing patience, replied,
“I could make our flying 100% safe. Guaranteed. And what’s more, at no cost to the tax payer….”
The, now rather taken aback, interviewer mumbles something like “but er how?”
“We’ll put all the aircraft away, go home and not bother flying ever again… Trouble is, if we all had your attitude 50 years ago you’d be speaking to me in German”.
21 March, 2008 00:26
What I don't understand is why some children become national household names when they go missing, and some just get forgotten about (especially those from city centres, it seems).
We've had a few misper kids which didn't turn up on my shift and nothing was heard about them the next day. I always assume that they were eventually found, but when I get on the train to go home to see my parents I find pictures of children who have been missing for months at the back of the free newspapers. Why do those children never get their pictures on the TV, and why don't they become household names?
Could someone please explain? :D
21 March, 2008 00:38
If politicians shouldn’t comment on policing, does that mean PCs shouldn’t comment on politics?
If so, it wipes out every police blog disappears in a single swip of reasoning, and poor old IG’s book is cancelled without ever selling a copy. Now that’s just unkind.
Seriously though, Amber Alerts are for serious child abduction cases.
Frivolous child abductions are handled differently, except where during the course of a frivolous search a body is found, in which case they become serious and are elevated to Amber Alert retrospectively. That’s how I understand it anyway.
This is barely on topic (mentions police & politicians though):
It's just been reported that the police inquiry into MP Derek Conway's expenses has been stopped, because the CPS think that the numerous gaps in his record of expenses would make it impossible to bring any charges.
Eh what?
If this is really an example of CPS-logic then I'm surprised the police have never complained about them.
Unless the CPS are suggesting that the same is true for all MPs...
What's the collective noun for B'stards?
21 March, 2008 12:22
This MEP and associated reporters are twerps. They chatter and bray without sense thought or meaning. They and their opinions are just so much glittering chaff.
The long story short here is the gulf between real life for most people and real life on a scummy council estate. The life led by that girl sucked deluxe because every adult around her sucked deluxe.
21 March, 2008 15:01
dave h - at no point did I say politicians shouldn't comment on policing. Of COURSE they should. Just would be nice if they did some research first, such as putting Child Alert into Google, to see that it already exists before spouting crap.
As for the question of why Shannon became media famous when other kids don't, it's pretty simple actually. Very few "missing" children have been abducted. Most are runaways and are teenagers. Any time there is a child abduction, especially one treated as a "stranger" abduction like this one, it gets media attention because the police force has a press conference and tells people about it. It's no one's right to know about a messed up 15yr old who has been missing a dozen times and finally run away, and would only embarrass them and the family to put them on TV, except in certain cases.
21 March, 2008 16:16
Sorry, I wasn't criticising, it was meant tongue-in-cheek.
My in-depth research into Amber Alerts consisted of clicking on the link. And I never got beyond the first line '...are for serious child abductions...'
It struck me as such a strange phrase that I promptly posted a sarcastic comment.
Happy Easter to all, despite the sodding weather.
21 March, 2008 16:56
Hm thanks bloggsy. I realise about the children say 14+, it's the younger ones about *looks at paper* 11 I'm worried about.
However, I see your point that there is only hype where it seems the child has gone missing because of murder/abduction etc. Eleven year olds definitely run away too...
Thanks :D LD420
21 March, 2008 17:00
If politicians shouldn’t comment on policing, does that mean PCs shouldn’t comment on politics?
We can't - it is a disciplinary offence for us to take an active part in politics whilst a serving officer.
It is a dismissal offence for us to be a member of BNP. Whilst I find the party odious, it is a little strange that we can be sacked for being a member of a lawful UK political party.
The real problem with todays Public Services is that Politicians with no comprehension of how they work try to foister their own ideas on them....viz.. marching people to cashpoints, policing/healthcare/teaching by performance statistics, spin, lies, graph and charts upon charts, talking about public involvement whilst maintaining a Soviet style central bureaucratic control of them.
22 March, 2008 11:37
anon 11:37
It is a dismissal offence for us to be a member of BNP. Whilst I find the party odious..'
Why do you find them odious? Are they a racist organisation? Do the police have a National Black/asian Police Association? Do they have a white one? Is it because there support comes from knuckle dragging nazi supporting skin heads as portrayed in the recent BBC series? Do you go on there web site? Why are the BNP odius?, please educate me.
22 March, 2008 16:27
anon 16.27
Well I find them odious because of their supporters inability to distinguish between "their" and "there", the continual mispelling of "odiOus" and the random misuse of the comma.
23 March, 2008 00:32
anon 00:32
Many apologies for the grammar, I did not realise Guardian readers came over here.
If you only find them odiOus (is that better )because of a spelling mistake and the inability to distinguish between there or their then you are a wise person indeed.
There (or is it their), (oops commar in the wrong place there)( or is it their)
Have I used brackets inappropriately there(or is it their)
Forgot what I was going to say now. Your(or is it you're)far to intelligent for me to get into a debate with, well done you clever educated sausage.
23 March, 2008 12:51
Remembered what i wanted to say now. There(or is it their) is something that tickles me about a pc commenting on pc then making a pc comment with
'It is a dismissal offence for us to be a member of BNP. Whilst I find the party odious..'
Does that make sense! I mean? I'm sure you will let me know you clever sausage. many thanks for the education.
23 March, 2008 13:02
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03 April, 2009 21:06
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