Forensics - why bother?
It really is disgraceful how people are being convicted nowadays under the pretext of "Science". We all know that "Science" can be flawed. Moreover, we all know that Scientists are devious right-wing agents pushing forwards their agenda of hate against innocent folk.
It is Science that led to the conviction of these poor boys. We all know that blood can materialise on the clothing of people who had nothing to do with someone's death. On top of this, did you know that rapists are being convicted years after the event, on the shallow pretext of a mystical entity known as "DNA"?
I was therefore horrified to read about how the killer of Jill Dando was convicted based on some firearms residue in his pocket. Whatever happened to the court keeping an open mind and considering that perhaps the residue flew up into the air, crossed the city and entered the guy's pocket without him even knowing about it?
In any event, I am relieved that this will now be the subject of an appeal, and would hope soon to reach the happy state of affairs where forensic evidence plays no part in the serious business of law.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
It is Science that led to the conviction of these poor boys. We all know that blood can materialise on the clothing of people who had nothing to do with someone's death. On top of this, did you know that rapists are being convicted years after the event, on the shallow pretext of a mystical entity known as "DNA"?
I was therefore horrified to read about how the killer of Jill Dando was convicted based on some firearms residue in his pocket. Whatever happened to the court keeping an open mind and considering that perhaps the residue flew up into the air, crossed the city and entered the guy's pocket without him even knowing about it?
In any event, I am relieved that this will now be the subject of an appeal, and would hope soon to reach the happy state of affairs where forensic evidence plays no part in the serious business of law.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
WOULD agree, if the whole case didn't smell so much of "oh shit, we haven't got a clue and the tv cameras are watching us, lets blame this professional style hit on the local fruitloop. We'll get a detection out of it..."
20 June, 2007 11:34
And put three Hollywood TV shows out of business?
20 June, 2007 11:40
"These are not my pants that I am wearing. I have no idea how they got on my legs."
20 June, 2007 17:00
Whilst I agree with your basic point Bloggs, the issue of Gun Shot Residue in his pocket is pretty tenuous evidence to base an entire case on.
Firearms residue is so sensitive the risk of secondary transfer is very high and it is not possible to match residue to residue from a gun, Residue is just residue.
In layman's terms if you shook the hand of a firearms officer or someone who recently fired a firearm and then put your hand in your pocket, you too would have Firearms residue in your pocket. So if you were innocent you'd be pretty pissed off. Not that he is innocent though, far from it.
20 June, 2007 17:18
Well that tool "former Met flying squad commander" O'Connor says it's a dodgy conviction so I guess somewhere some money was to be made for a cheap comment. Sorry, that should read, "I guess it might not be true - after all he should know how dodgy a dodgy conviction needs to be". Oh blow, done it again, I meant to say.... ah forget it.
Damn you Freud!
20 June, 2007 22:37
I once searched a bloke in custody and as I pulled out the insole to one of his trainers I found a couple of credit cards (not in his name)and a couple of small wraps of powder. His reponse as he watched me removed said items "they're not my trainers...."
CPS later refused to charge with possession and handling because there was no forensic link to him and the items siezed during the search even though it was on custody cctv and he was wearing the shoes immediately before I took them off him to search them - right in front of the duty solicitor!!!
21 June, 2007 14:29
I have actually had a defendant, who was wearing underwear in which cocaine was found, testify "That was not my underwear."
Check my blog next week for the car title concealment story...
22 June, 2007 17:35
would you like a hug? I'm pretty good at hugs and could probably sell them. I'll give you your first hug for free, just as a taster :o)
23 June, 2007 13:11
certainly beats the rapid entry and rope on the fun stakes I think!!!
23 June, 2007 14:54
I seem to have a fan/stalker posting as me Hurrah!!!
23 June, 2007 16:06
"as me"? it sure sounds like you
23 June, 2007 16:57
Earlier today, a colleague of mine was pissing in the doorway of a bookshop.
It's the beginning of social anarchy when a cop pisses on a bookshop!!!
23 June, 2007 20:57
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