Stress fractures...
The Twenty-First Century is marvellous. With the introduction of terms such as Post-Traumatic Stress and Mental Health, we have left the dark days of the 20th Century behind us. Whereas we used to shoot people who got scared by traumatic sights, now we just laugh at them and kick them out of hospital. Thank goodness we've moved on.
It is not just soldiers who now receive exemplary psychological care. Police officers too are kept healthy in body and mind by a variety of modern measures. It used to be that genuinely stressed officers would suffer in silence until they finally cracked. This problem has been completely erradicated with the introduction of Stress Leave.
It works on a simple three-step process:
It is not just soldiers who now receive exemplary psychological care. Police officers too are kept healthy in body and mind by a variety of modern measures. It used to be that genuinely stressed officers would suffer in silence until they finally cracked. This problem has been completely erradicated with the introduction of Stress Leave.
It works on a simple three-step process:
- The officer identifies to his/her sergeant that he/she is STRESSED.
- Fearing a law-suit, the sergeant refers said officer to OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH.
- Fearing a law-suit, OCC HEALTH sign the officer off SICK until they announce that they are feeling better.
During Stress Leave, the officer's emotional and mental needs are catered for by a team of one nurse who sends caring emails to their work address on a weekly basis. When the officer feels able to return to work, they do so after the mandatory month-long period allotted for dithering. They will be allowed a post in whichever department they feel is least stressful and can choose which working hours are least likely to bring on a relapse.
As you can see, now that officers have this tremendous support structure in place and there is no stigma at all attached to using it, their mental health is fully protected.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
As you can see, now that officers have this tremendous support structure in place and there is no stigma at all attached to using it, their mental health is fully protected.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
This has now passed to the challenging and demanding role of the PCSO.
The traumatic experiences they have to deal with are having an extreme effect on their health.
We have PCSO's who are completing their 5 week training period, being posted on district and then going sick within a couple of weeks.
It appears that it's the 21st cetury that is causing the problems.
PS I still hate this word verification thing!!
27 March, 2007 19:34
It is a requirement of the Home Office that all commenters have to complete the verification thingy in triplicate to comply with the Blandmore Ruling Sep 2003.
27 March, 2007 19:42
PCSW I hate the spam so sorry, having tried with and without a few times, the word verification is staying!
27 March, 2007 20:11
Being a retired policeman who is now full time house husband I approached my immediate supervisor (working wife) and asked for time off from my new stressful role. She gave me one of those 'looks' and walked off shaking her head. Being a house husband I checked the Home Office site (it seemed the most appropriate place to go) but could not find the necessary forms. Any suggestions?
27 March, 2007 23:04
Unfortunately "STRESS" can also be used by lazy b$%*&s who dont want to go to work, leaving the rest of the shift having to carry their workload and being refused annual leave an time off cos the shift is short!!!
28 March, 2007 21:39
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03 April, 2009 19:36
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