This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Top Down Management

Following on from yesterday's Ali Dizaei news, I have been pondering the poor officers who became embroiled in the original incident where their Commander arrested a man with whom he had an ongoing dispute.  In the face of a further internal tribunal and re-trial, they must be wishing they had not been on duty that day.  

It's bad enough when the Area Commander decides to venture out of his office in Blandmore to attend the report writing room, let alone if he were to wander out of the station and start making arrests. In fact, our Area Commander did threaten some time ago to materialise on the streets of Blandmore, but luckily last month's Performance Group Analysis Meeting has kept him indoors ever since.

That said, I would be entertained to see my superintendent attending a bog standard Blandmore domestic.  I wonder how he would cope with the following daily experiences of response officers on my team:
  • A ten page risk assessment to fill in.
  • An hour on hold to the civilian call centre to generate the crime report.
  • Having no transit available to transport the violent prisoner.
  • No space in the nearest custody due to the "cell alert" system going down.
  • The next closest custody suite hurling abuse on his arrival (they don't like Blandmore prisoners).
  • Having to mount a seven hour cell watch on the prisoner following attempts to strangle himself with his trousers, T-shirt and boxers.
  • Returning to take victim statements to find the victim has moved up north permanently.
  • Domestic Abuse Unit having no resources to have any involvement whatsoever in the job.
  • Three hours on the phone to the Crown Prosecution Service to be told the case is to be dropped and the prisoner released.
  • Having to take the prisoner home because it might abuse his human rights to release him without a jacket.
  • Coming back to work the next day to find an email from his boss, asking why the case has not resulted in an immediate conviction at Crown Court.
  • Finding a further email from the Domestic Abuse Unit, detailing how they would have done things differently, if only they'd had resources to help.
 ... Back in the real world, I'm lucky if I can even locate the superintendent to sign off on an urgent authorisation.  The chances of him experiencing any actual policing some time soon are remote.

Which is all anyone really needs to know about the reasons for the state of policing today.

'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in some bookstores and online.


Blogger Bravo Sierra Control said...

One of our supers went out as a response unit, a while ago now. He attended a domestic, reported as a noisy argument by the next-door-neighbour.

He tried to avoid all the paperwork and get it closed as noise nuisance. The civilian on the closure desk insisted on treating it as a domestic though!

02 October, 2011 11:22

Blogger Kimpatsu said...

If the Big Boss truly does decide to muck in and help on the front lines, utilise his best skillset, and send him out for coffee and doughnuts.

03 October, 2011 01:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still have a Superintendent?

Ours was abolished due to budget cuts.

That is, he's still in our force only now he works at HQ and plays a lot more golf.

Meanwhile, we now borrow a Super from the next Division when we need one, which is never by the way.

03 October, 2011 23:12

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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05 October, 2011 14:44

Anonymous Anonymous said...

From patrolling the streets to enforcing traffic laws, police force jobs perform the most important role in every community these are to keep the streets safe and protect citizens from harm.

05 October, 2011 15:09

Blogger Charlie Gallagher said...

Sounds like you do the same job as me, a frontline uniform officer. I'm just back from a late shift and its amazing how quickly 'specialist' teams back away from being a police officer.

Today two police officers from our Child Protection Unit attended an address, knocked on the door, got no answer, had concerns for the children inside, considered entry under Section 17 to save life and limb.......

Then called the police!

They left the property and we then turn up and are expected to force entry!

I think you make the same point with officers who go up through the ranks. They very quickly stand back from the gritty side of policing.

Stay a PC I say. Enjoy the grit!

The kids were fine by the way...

If you want to read my frustrations I've just started out -

Love your blog.

07 October, 2011 00:48

Anonymous Son of the Dessert said...

In Egypt we do things differently

12 October, 2011 04:37


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