This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Friday, July 18, 2008

I feel your pain

We all love a good high-profile trial. The case of the aptly-named Darwins is riveting.

These trials are a time when up-and-coming barristers can make their names, with one-liners such as, "you're lying", "you were lying" and "you will lie". Photographs and emails will dazzle the jury. Every word uttered will be splashed across the Internet. The family will commentate via the tabloids. And ultimately, who wins, you decide.

Personally, I can't wait for November, when the traumatic events of a nine-year-old's false abduction will be likewise paraded across the news for our delectation and delight. We already know Karen Matthews is guilty, it's just a matter of how many big headlines she makes before she's locked up for a couple of weeks.

After all, in the world of criminal justice, appearance is everything.

'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all avidly following the Darwins in work. She must be up for an award for brinkmanship!

18 July, 2008 19:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Darwin case is, I think, a terrific example of how the English Judicial system is never about who is telling the truth but whose brief can tell the largest (nearly) porkies and get away with them. Anne Darwin is now being portrayed by her brief as a mild mannered Sunday School teacher who was "bullied" into doing what she did by her rough, tough, adulterous, prison officer husband. No doubt Karen Matthews will be portrayed as the younger sister of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, forced into the whole sordid affair by some, as yet unnamed, master villain who threatened her children if she didn't comply. As the Minister of Inequality Harridan Harman would no doubt agree, if you're a woman, you're a victim. By the way, I understand that the majority of canoes sold in the Hartlepool/Seaton Carew area these days are red in colour!

18 July, 2008 22:48

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that leaflet had it all wrong. It should have contained such information as which cell she was being held in; in what jail, and at what time the officers would be stepping out for a qucik lunch.
As for court cases being decided on the merits alone - that has long been dead. It's all about showmanship, money spent and who has the better PR firm.
I could be arrested right now for a crime that occured last night in the UK, while I was at work in Los Angeles - and I'd still only have a 50-50 chance.
No wonder the space aliens only use us for medical experiments - we're not smart enough for anything else.

19 July, 2008 16:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Matthews woman will have been given some kind of "victim status" by the time the trial comes around.

She probably did it because her pervy boyfriend was looking at dodgy pictures on the internet or something.

She will either get off or receive no sentence of any meaningful nature-as usual.

20 July, 2008 10:14

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The leaflet which was handed out by West Yorkshire force also stated.....
DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! Which most people tend to do despite not having the FULL story.

I also cannot wait for November Bloggsy, to see if the full truth does actually emerge in court....
I hope so, because if not, well, that will confirm what a farce british "justice" actually is.
But I am hopeful that the truth will out.

22 July, 2008 03:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

She will do no jail time because by then the victim status will have been racheted so high that the judge will decide that sending her to jail will just add to the trauma the whole family have suffered.

Guarantee it.

22 July, 2008 14:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac. Sometimes a mother WILL keep her trap shut, even if the police then decide that she's guilty of "perverting the course of justice". Threats to kill one's children, by big bully B******S, tend to have that effect.
Karen Matthews actual words to the media when Shannon was found were....She's SAFE, the FAMILY ARE SAFE. Read between the lines.

23 July, 2008 23:54

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03 April, 2009 21:27

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15 April, 2009 10:42


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