PC Copperfield is out.

You can watch his "outing" here. Having met Stuart a couple of times, I can tell you that he is that nice in real life and, yes, his face just is that shiny.
Panorama itself was interesting. One of the main points is the contrast between what the public THINK we get up to and what we actually do. The clear signal is that we should be educating the public about the nature of real police work, and encouraging them to accept that it isn't all about crime nowadays. There are far more important things like having tea with Minister McNulty and meeting our monthly targets.
Good for Staffordshire Police for standing up to the lies told in the programme. There couldn't possibly ever be just ONE police officer on duty in the whole of a town, what a silly suggestion. Personally I am amazed they didn't make the comment: "Yes, there is frequently just one officer left on duty. It isn't good enough and we want to know what the government is doing about it!"
Then again, that would involve a Chief Constable with some balls. Shame.
For anyone who's interested, there is now a Monday Books blog. It has some snippets about the real David Copperfield, and me.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Out, gone, and telling it like it is. Will it make any difference, in the long run?
17 September, 2007 15:26
For him it will make a difference.
17 September, 2007 17:09
He's off to Canada and a better life.
Be careful PC Bloggs. In this country there's no free speech - it all comes at a price.
17 September, 2007 17:44
I wonder how long it will take him to get used to carrying a weapon?
17 September, 2007 18:31
"More fiction than Dickins" apparently, a comment that can only come from someone who hasn't even set foot in a police station.
Good luck to him I say
17 September, 2007 19:27
Excellent news about the new life.
I hope this blog will continue to tell us how green the grass is.
17 September, 2007 21:55
I can readily believe that he was the only response officer on duty…because it happened to me to.
17 September, 2007 22:41
roxy, McNulty went out with some guys from my nick, he saw some pc's nicking some robbers and then still booking in and seizing property some 5 hours later. Two days after that he went on national tv and said that custody process was improving and people were no longer waiting hours to process prisoners. He is a politian and therefore a liar by trade and honestly does not give a toss what you or I think about policing because he is never going to have to pick up the phone and dial 999 when he needs help, if that day ever comes anyway.
17 September, 2007 22:45
Im a partner of a Police officer.. 12 hour shifts that then become 17 hour shifts because he gets a call out 10mins before his shift is due to end and is left doing the paper work for the new job before he can come home!because YET AGAIN hers the only officer on that shift and then back to work 10 hours later to start all over again! Dosnt just affect work life it affects relationships!
17 September, 2007 23:06
I hate to think that the job will grind me down so much that I'll have to leave the country to do the work I wanted to when I joined.
18 September, 2007 00:10
An excellent programme. It is to be hoped that, especially with the present-day advantage of blogging, the issues raised will not be allowed to fade away or 'blow over,' like the politicians no doubt hope they will in a week or two.
Besides those raised by PC Bloggs, the programme prompted a question about why a West Australian Police Chief would be touting for recruits over here?
Though it is 50 years since I visited WA, I understand it is a vibrant and prosperous place, with plenty of opportunities for the young.
So why does the WA Force have cast its net overseas for recruits?
It may be that the darker side of Perth policing is like that in Sydney, as described by Tom Priest in the Quadrant magazine I cited in an earlier post.
It's something that potential emigrants to the southern continent should check out.
After all, the saying about the devil you know has a lot of truth in it, I think.
18 September, 2007 00:50
Are you going to OUT yourself once the millions role in from your book sales?? Im looking forward to your book if its half as good as DC's it will be worth the read.
18 September, 2007 09:53
So Copperfield's joining Bill Sticker up in the Great White North, where the two of them will, in short time, no doubt be blogging about the wonders of back bacon as they write book-length entries on hockey minutiæ. Who's next? Bystander? Reynolds? And how much longer before Bloggs decides that Saskatchewan might make a nice change from Blandmore?
18 September, 2007 12:09
Alanori asked why Western Australia (and South Australia, New Zealand and some Canadian forces) are recruiting UK cops suggesting that it was because they couldn't recruit because of the problems in Oz, NZ and Canada.
I am one who has made the move and am glad I did.
These forces cannot recruit enough locally because of the economic booms in these countries. People would far rather go and work in the mines and make a fortune leaving pommie cops to do the poorly paid job of policing.
18 September, 2007 14:32
I remember a reporter friend of mine - now sadly scribbling in the great newsroom in the sky - who once shared with me the first rule of journalism: One phone call too many and the story falls down. I fear his successors are still frugal with the phone.
18 September, 2007 16:41
So, Bloggs. The way I see it,with Copperfield moving abroad and you with a book out, that maks you senior con.
I have this file that's been going on a while and what's the best way to caution this fella, should I just notebook interview him or...
19 September, 2007 01:23
I finally had the chance to watch the video.
First impression:
McNulty is a total ass with no concept of what police do.
A career politician with a big mouth and an empty cranium.
19 September, 2007 04:03
Anon said:
These forces cannot recruit enough locally because of the economic booms in these countries. People would far rather go and work in the mines and make a fortune leaving pommie cops to do the poorly paid job of policing.
Thanks, this clarifies matters - also for the comment I have just posted on PC Dave/Stu's blog.
'Twas ever thus, sadly, also for teachers, nurses and other essential workers.
19 September, 2007 14:06
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