This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I watched G.I. Jane last night. In it, Demi Moore enrols as the first ever female Navy SEAL.

Her trainer is sceptical, thinking she wouldn't be able to haul a 200lb injured colleague out of a war-zone. She doesn't say it, but perhaps if her colleagues were all slim little women like her, she WOULD be able to haul their bodies out of trouble.

Then, later, Demi gets beaten to a pulp by her trainer in front of the assembled male recruits. He then pretends to be about to rape her. Not because he thinks she'll give in, but because he is trying to get the men watching to crumble.

Afterwards, he says to his fellow trainer,

"It's not her that's the problem. It's us."

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger Unknown said...

mind if I ask where that picture is from? :)

17 July, 2007 22:02

Blogger hobbybobby said...

I too watched GI Jane last night, and I think her trainer's main problem was his shorts - they were clearly too tight for him. What's wrong with big baggy bermuda shorts??!!

I'd be miffed if I had to wander round in tiny little brown shorts trying to look like a butch commando, especially if I had to wander round with a stupid bushy moustache like he did - he was like a one-man Village People tribute act.

18 July, 2007 00:21

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't the point that GI JANE should be able to stop the attack, otherwise you'll have a pretty soft army.
Nice discussion point though balancing the weak male over protecting nature against equal status

18 July, 2007 20:28

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Actually, Anon it wasn't the point. All the blokes took a thrashing in that scene too.

18 July, 2007 21:50

Blogger ba ba said...

On a serious female related note (TM), a group of IDF troops once halted their advance to evac a female soldier who had been hit, contrary to direct orders. Im not going to get into the "are woman as capable of being a soldier as men argument" because they obviously aren't (whoops) but over and above that i find it repugnant that they are put into a position where they are shot right next to us while the male soldiers are supposed to just leave them there. Thats just wrong, and considering how many soldiers have difficulty adjusting to civilian life anyway, the one advantage they currently have is that they are protective over females. If treating them just like us becomes engrained then even that will stop.

Women shouldn't be in the army the same way i shouldn't be giving birth - it just aint right. I do think that we as civilians should once again take back the right to bear arms (This is one of the rights secured in our 'bill of rights') and women would benefit from that - nothings going to stop an attempted rape quicker than a bullet in the gut whether your 6 stones or 20.

On a similar note, am i right in thinking that over here its currently illegal to carry something with the express purpose of defending yourself, but if you 'just happened' to be carrying a small can of Mr muscle oven cleaner in your handbag and squirted it in the attackers face, that would be legal?

19 July, 2007 11:12

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sure what this has got to do with anything!
If all criminals and those charming members of the underclass who go out for a fight at a weekend were 5ft tall and weighed 7 stone, and just came quietly when arrested then we could employ tiny policemen to give them a lift to the station. Or just PCSO's and no police at all.
And if my son was a girl he would be my daughter.
Why is "I'D LIKE TO TEACH THE WORLD TO SING" running through my head?
I'm slightly worried by the left turn this blog is going through at the moment. Hope your publisher is not softening you up for the chicklit book market.
Or is this a deliberate ploy to whip up howls of outrage from those of us in the real world?

19 July, 2007 16:22

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03 April, 2009 20:11

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15 April, 2009 12:47


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