Let's be more supportive...
Inspector Gadget has posted on the clash between the goals of civilian support staff (car-parking, canteen, air-conditioning etc) and those of police officers (car chases, meal breaks, fighting etc). This has prompted an outburst of vitriol against the support staff by his readers.
I could not agree more with those who blame the individuals personally. At my station we have a man whose job it is to hand out new uniform and car passes at the appropriate moments. He spends his days leaving notes in our dockets and on our cars, and rejecting our requests for excessive amounts of shirts. Every now and again he grows lax in his tasks and permits a car to park another car in, at which point he will be chivvied along by the Chief Inspector in Charge of Being in Charge and we can expect a glut of emails and notes.
The fact is, we do need someone to give out new uniform and car passes, but does he have to be so malevolent? He callously performs his duties without regard for our powers of arrest, predilection for fighting or our current level of stress. It is almost as if he is some kind of EMPLOYEE, working to a CONTRACT or something.
I ask myself - and my readers - is it this man's fault if someone is stupid enough to pay him for what he does?
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
I could not agree more with those who blame the individuals personally. At my station we have a man whose job it is to hand out new uniform and car passes at the appropriate moments. He spends his days leaving notes in our dockets and on our cars, and rejecting our requests for excessive amounts of shirts. Every now and again he grows lax in his tasks and permits a car to park another car in, at which point he will be chivvied along by the Chief Inspector in Charge of Being in Charge and we can expect a glut of emails and notes.
The fact is, we do need someone to give out new uniform and car passes, but does he have to be so malevolent? He callously performs his duties without regard for our powers of arrest, predilection for fighting or our current level of stress. It is almost as if he is some kind of EMPLOYEE, working to a CONTRACT or something.
I ask myself - and my readers - is it this man's fault if someone is stupid enough to pay him for what he does?
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
I am very lucky - in the London Happiness BOCU our uniform and equipment people are lovely and very "can-do".
This does, however, grind against the rest of the civilian support staff, who are very fond indeed of letting you know their police equivalent rank "yes I'm a Band R (for rubber) which is the equivalent of a DAC you know". [I don't care; I'm still not calling you Ma'am so poke your Band R up your bum!]
And the catering staff, who don't like women. Especially policewomen.
30 May, 2007 21:01
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30 May, 2007 23:04
Down our way only the frontline police have to play by the rules. You can't type messages to them in capital letters because in email protocol it is deemed to be shouting, haven't yet worked out what itis for wring your stupid neck yet. You have to leave your car in the car park at your own risk but only support staff could get their cars repaired by the job. You get all sorts of goodies if you are civilian support,I think we call it non-police staff nowadays. Nothing to do with having a union I presume. It is just the civilised way you conduct yourself under the constant risk of something or other when deeply beyond the trenchline of your desk, warm office and swivel chair.
All working for the same side ? Just who are these non-police staff supporting anyway? You decide.
30 May, 2007 23:07
Is it his fault ? Well, partly. This idiot government does the same thing in almost everything it has its fingers in (it isn't just the cops who have these people) ; the main aim seems to be increasing its client state with the otherwise unemployable.
The attitude is a problem (ref:bitseach). One senses a clear attitude of their total superiority to the Police Officers they are meant to be supporting (haha) ; something which in my field I can believe easily, and this *is* their fault.
The only people of real value in the Police "Service" are those who actively stop crime or detect it or manage those who do.
Bean counters should be treated as bean counters ; little or no value. Most of the work of bean counters is generated by other bean counters in a self supporting structure.They don't (despite their claims do very much other than attend meetings and push paper about)
Unfortunately ZanuLabour values these morons more than they do Police Officers, Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Firemen etc etc etc.
31 May, 2007 07:49
maybe we need more awareness sessions like this one to thin them out......
I could certainly put forward at least 20 people from my nick, all civvies, who could do with getting shot, preferably in the face.
And don't get me started on canteen staff, those incompetant police hating arseholes run our bloody station. At our divisional xmas do (half my team went but ONLY for the rediculous amounts of free wine and port) the canteen staff, the garage guy, the cleaners, even the photocopier refilling pleb got a big round of applause and a thank you. What did the response teams get??
Fuck all... so we went round nicking everyone elses wine and port and got rat arsed, much to the amusement of the Ops Chief inspector (nice bloke) and the detest of the Supernintendo (cockjuggling assmonkey)
31 May, 2007 09:37
I used to get great amusement from watching the civvies turning up for work early. Yes early often up to an hour early - so that they could grab a parking space before the early turn troops arrived who because the limited space was taken had to park in the expensive multi storey. Mind you on the occasions that I had to drive in instead of using my pushbike it didn't seeem quite so funny.
Thank God for retirement
31 May, 2007 14:04
Anonymous the Second, I believe it is a cardinal rule of the catering industry that those who become canteen staff must hang their humanity outside the door before entering the building.
Anyway, blatant plug this but I have posted my thoughts on this small explosion on my own blog, rather than here or on Gadget's comments. If anyone is going to rant at me I'd rather it didn't happen on someone else's turf. I'd like to be able to come back!
31 May, 2007 19:21
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03 April, 2009 19:53
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