Commonsense will prevail.
I am not the kind of woman who runs out of my house with a burning stake and lays waste to my neighbour's house just because he once dated a girl under 16. However I do sometimes wonder if I should be.
The linked article is about a sex offender who has obtained a job at a school without disclosing the fact that he was on bail for a child sex offence, and now cannot be evicted from the caretaker's lodge despite losing his job. It is a disgrace: we all lie on our CVs so why should that be held against him? We now have the unacceptable situation that the local community is launching a vendetta against the poor man. The school children are even being monitored as they go home to prevent him from attacking them, which just does not give the guy a chance.
The school appear to have employed this man and given him the job while their police checks were still pending. The solution is therefore obvious: do not perform police checks on someone who has already moved in, as there is nothing you can do about it and it just scares people.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
The linked article is about a sex offender who has obtained a job at a school without disclosing the fact that he was on bail for a child sex offence, and now cannot be evicted from the caretaker's lodge despite losing his job. It is a disgrace: we all lie on our CVs so why should that be held against him? We now have the unacceptable situation that the local community is launching a vendetta against the poor man. The school children are even being monitored as they go home to prevent him from attacking them, which just does not give the guy a chance.
The school appear to have employed this man and given him the job while their police checks were still pending. The solution is therefore obvious: do not perform police checks on someone who has already moved in, as there is nothing you can do about it and it just scares people.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
sexual activity wth a child - what the hell does that mean? 15? 5? BIG difference to the threat level to the kids in that school. bloody media.
17 May, 2007 12:17
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