Another Injustice:
I find it simply shocking that this fiend has escaped jail for the heinous offence of allowing his daughter to move around inside his car whilst he was speeding at the appalling speed of 136.79kph. I can only attribute this shameful decision to the shortage of prison space, which earlier this year led to an equally disgusting specimen of a man being set free into society.
When, oh when will this government pass legislation against the ownership of vehicles? Let us not forget that a car has one purpose and one purpose alone: to kill. At the very least, there should be a cooling-off period between the purchase of a car and its release to the owner, and I propose the banning of any car capable of travelling over 20mph. It should also be illegal to promote the use of cars as a fast-moving object or to glorify driving.
Perhaps we could put Jeremy Clarkson in prison to set things in motion.
Speaking of arresting celebrities, I see that Chris Tarrant has brutally assaulted someone with a piece of cutlery. Please select one of the following options:
A) Chris Tarrant is a menace to society and no doubt guilty.
B) Someone saw a chance to sell the story of being attacked by a celeb.
C) Chris Tarrant wanted to revive his career in a time-honoured fashion.
D) Nottingham Police are short of detections this week and as the report had already been crimed, had nothing to lose by bringing him in.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
When, oh when will this government pass legislation against the ownership of vehicles? Let us not forget that a car has one purpose and one purpose alone: to kill. At the very least, there should be a cooling-off period between the purchase of a car and its release to the owner, and I propose the banning of any car capable of travelling over 20mph. It should also be illegal to promote the use of cars as a fast-moving object or to glorify driving.
Perhaps we could put Jeremy Clarkson in prison to set things in motion.
Speaking of arresting celebrities, I see that Chris Tarrant has brutally assaulted someone with a piece of cutlery. Please select one of the following options:
A) Chris Tarrant is a menace to society and no doubt guilty.
B) Someone saw a chance to sell the story of being attacked by a celeb.
C) Chris Tarrant wanted to revive his career in a time-honoured fashion.
D) Nottingham Police are short of detections this week and as the report had already been crimed, had nothing to lose by bringing him in.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
First time I've seen you off track.
The man is a maniac.To risk the life of a three year old in that cavalier fashion deserves banging up.
15 May, 2007 10:27
anonymous: If you read the report you will discover that it was not a Cavalier in question but a Jaguar!
15 May, 2007 11:21
What is it with this country? Why are we so obsessed with locking people up? Community service and a driving ban more than fits this offence - don't forget that the little girl would have suffered from her father going inside as well,
15 May, 2007 13:24
Ooh, that last question's a hard one. There's so many people going to benefit from his arrest; everyone except the poor bugger who's lumbered with all the paperwork and gets caught in the firing line with everyone else second guessing his decisions.
As for the driving, if you're going to act that irresponsibly behind the wheel of the car then I don't think it's too much of a leap to suggest you shouldn't be driving. Long term ban, say 10 years, sends a message out. And if people are caught driving whilst disqual' then a mandatory prison sentence imho.
15 May, 2007 17:02
Nottingham Police are short of detections this week and as the report had already been crimed, had nothing to lose by bringing him in.
15 May, 2007 20:35
Kudos to any arresting officer who managed not to say:-
"Do you want to phone a friend?"
15 May, 2007 21:36
I have to say I think the court got this one pretty much spot on. Lengthy ban. Lengthy community service.
Save the jail cells for violent criminals and repeat offenders. I'm prepared to believe that this sentence will deter this offender as much as a prison would have anyway.
15 May, 2007 22:56
Regarding perp a:-
My daughter gets car sick. Unlike this sinner I am a compliant citizen.
On one occasion, whilst overtaking a row of HGV's on the M25, my firstborn regurgitated the tangerines her mother had given her.
She could not expell the skin and pith from her throat and mouth so she could not breath. The child restraint she was in prevented her from putting her head down for a bit of gravitational assistance.
I, fortunately, was able to reach back unclasp her restraints and pull her out of the seat.
If the restraint had been in the offside not nearside of the car I would have had to do something considerably more risky than the 'cavalier maniac' in this case.
I have some sympathy for him.
16 May, 2007 00:44
joe p., the solution is obvious: a ban on tangerines and three years' confinement for your wife for her reckless child endangerment.
16 May, 2007 09:29
I would settle for 180 hours of domestic service.
16 May, 2007 14:18
And yet had the fiend been a policeman he could have claimed that he was honing his driving and restraining skills, and he would have had a good possibility of getting off both charges scot free.
20 May, 2007 10:07
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