This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

No Restraint.

A man has died and it is all someone else's fault. As when police restrain someone who later dies, a massive enquiry involving politicians and the word "regret" must be launched immediately.

In the case reported today, the man was restrained for seven minutes by staff at his mental health ward. Here is the shocking bit: GUIDELINES STATED THAT THREE MINUTES WAS THE MAXIMUM FOR RESTRAINT TIME! I can hear you all gasping with horror at this murderous act. The staff have clearly flouted these extremely important Health and Safety rules which stress that after three minutes the subject MUST be freed and allowed to assault whomever he/she wishes.

I must reconsider my actions only a fortnight ago when I restrained a girl for half an hour as she kicked, spat and bit us. WHAT WAS I THINKING? Prisoners should never be restrained for more than a few minutes otherwise it is as good as murder.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Despite vowing not to, I again shouted at some sanctimonius C**k on the radio blahing on about how officers had restrained a man for 25 mins, clearly in breach of the guidleines (I lost the rest in my fog of ranting). These people never - ever - want to or can, take into account the myriad of situations, the host of possibilities that can fcuk up what a lawyer/socialworker/lefty twat imagines or envisages. They seem to think officers are trained to subdue and restrain a violent, irrational (often suffering from a mental health condition exacerbated by too many or not enough drugs, prescribed or other) by taking hold of a little finger and applying pressure to the first knuckle! They also always imply that the poor officers who find themselves in such a situation must have wanted to slowly kill that person for their own pleasure. There's been a couple of case, the most prominent being that of Roger Sylvester that went on for years ubtil eventually after so many hearings the officers were eventually exonerated. But I cannot imagine the stress that they and their families had been under, and how much they are still affected by it all. The only answer is tranquiliser guns, but can you imagine the debate and allegations??? You will never ever please those who have a specific agenda and don't want to accept that the police are often the first point of contact, the only form of help that some people who are genuinley ill have.

24 October, 2006 08:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are taking joking, aren't you ?

A guy dies after being restrained by 7 people (not minutes) for 25 minutes (looks like you got confused there). Excuse me for being suspicious, but something tells me that something went wrong somewhere.

That you and ranter come up with those comments is just plain scary.

In any case, what have you got to worry about, the IPCC will probably get you out of trouble eventually.

24 October, 2006 11:33

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pascal i take it you're not in the police then. sadly people are capable of continuing to resist and try to assault us for hours and hours. we aren't allowed to just punch their lights out so we are forced to just hold onto them.

24 October, 2006 13:50

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

how terrible. I would so much rather have someone harm me than harm themselves. Not.

24 October, 2006 13:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ranter, I fail to see how resisting arrest should be met by death.

Sounds a bit extreme to me.

I am not in the police, however I play rugby every weekend with a few coppers, who are the nicest guys.

24 October, 2006 15:22

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pascal, so should resisting arrest be met by being released and allowed to run away? I don't know many coppers who would deliberately restrain someone to death, but we can't just say, "oh well we'd better let go in case they die".

24 October, 2006 15:52

Blogger Unknown said...

Its not a good record or precedent thats being set at all. What about the Nigerian tourist Mr Frank Ogboru who was on holiday and died while being restrained by about 7 police officers? Something has to be done about this 'endless restraint' unwholly precedent being set.

25 October, 2006 00:43

Anonymous Anonymous said...

pascal said...
Ranter, I fail to see how resisting arrest should be met by death.

Ranter says: Where did I say it should? It shouldn't ever...but it has when there are particular circumstances which I set out in my original rant.

Police officers do not go out at the beginning of each shift with an express objective of killing anybody - honestly, ask your 'nice' police rugby playing acquaintances - they will tell you about the difficulties involved in detaining and restraining people who don't want to be.

These people are often extremely irrational because of an underlying condition, often mental, and often induced through the illegal consumption of controlled drugs or the failure to consume their prescribed drugs. For the latter category a lot of the support mechanisms based in the community are inadequate and are being slowly eroded and withdrawn.

My final sentence made the point that the police often encounter people with medical/mental health problems before the other support mechanisms in our society, which are woefully resourced - and although the police have a duty of care to all citizens, they have a duty to protect the majority from the dangerous, so restraint will be necessary. Try getting someone 136'd in the middle of the night - how many officers have to escort and sit pwith people for hours awaiting a psychiatrist to deign to attend the casualty unit? My point was that it is difficult, very difficult to restrain violent and out of control individuals and it will sometimes take several people to restrain one, even slightly built, with personal strength increased because of their physical and mental condition at that time; and some critics should be aware, should learn from tragedies past, stop wanting to lynch police officers, and put forward some wewll thought out ideas not silly twaddle. Police officers are people too, and are often very traumatised by the events they get swept up in, thankfully they are still there in the face of all the difficulties society places in their way.

25 October, 2006 10:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calabar Gal! What was that last posting saying? Do you think that 7 police officers just jumped on that man and killed him? Do you think it was because (a) He was Nigerian, (b) On holday here, or (c) both or (d) Something else. What were you saying? There's obviously more behind that story, for goodness sake!

25 October, 2006 13:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I did not say that those guys went out to kill someone. But they did.

I can understand that there are people who are very difficult to restrain. I would have thought that if 7 people cannot restrain 1 person, how big or enraged as he is, then there is something seriously wrong with the way they go about doing things.

As for the argument that you have to protect the majority from the dangerous, you could start by keeping the majority away and contain rather than restrain until such time as restraining is possible.

I do not think that your job is an easy one, but all the same, I do not have a dewy eyed view of things.

Nobody deserves to die for resisting arrest, unless armed.

25 October, 2006 14:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right into the fray. In America the use of physical restraints i.e. handcuffs, leg cuffs and other restraints is perfectly legal on acute psychiatric wards but of course outlawed here in the NHS. The hug me straight jackets were outlawed years ago in the NHS. The political correctness, herbal tea drinking brigade would no doubt view what happens in American psychiatric wards as barbaric. I mean after all, this is the 21 century. On the other hand, the American psychiatric staff view us as being the barbarians. Restraints happen every day on Britain's acute psychiatric wards. The days of respite if they ever existed are long gone because of the incredible pressure on beds. Most people who are brought in (often under section) are there because quite simply they NEED to be there for either their own safety or to protect the public. Quite often they have not been taking the precribed medication unless of course its Heroin or crack cocaine. They don't want to be banged up as it were because they're insightless "there's nothing wrong with me mate, right fuck you I'm out of here!"

Cue the attack alarms going off...

This will result in a bit of a too do with several staff usually sitting on the patient where he recieves his injection of 5MG Haloperidol and 2MG of sweet sweet Lorazepam. Now you might think this will send them into sleepy land. WRONG! They're out of control, they are highly charged up and more than likely on some sort of illegal substance. If you let them up, they want hesitate in punching you in the face and telling you to fuck off. I've seen restrains that last for thirty minutes, sometimes a whole bloody hour where they will recieve more Haloperidol and more Lorazepam until eventually, they get sleepy. After that, they will be allowed up from the floor and escorted to their room where a nurse will stay with them. If appropriate, they maybe transferred to one of the locked wards. Now going back to the original post, american psych staff would handle it by sitting on him, giving him an injection, applying physical restraints i.e leg cuffs what have you and then escorting him to his room. Their view is we are the barbarians by denying him his dignity by having all those staff sitting on him when if we had physical restraints, we could reduce the amount of time the staff have to spend sitting on, he could not lash out and he could be escorted to his room to allow time for the medication to work. What happened in the orginal post was a tragedy but from time to time it does happen in either police or mental health settings. The idea of a three minute restraint is frankly laughable. People who come up with so called guidelines clearly have no idea what it's like....

25 October, 2006 21:33

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a police officer, however as a teacher I am expected to restrain "troubled young adults who need understanding not discipline" on a far too regular basis. Fortunately in my profession I can choose not to - I duck and phone the deputy head, their salary will pay for the private health care and subsequent law suits.

I have a great deal of respect for anyone prepared to put themselves on the line.

27 October, 2006 23:56

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 18:34


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