This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Thursday, September 21, 2006

"I forgot I had it in my pocket."

The PC arrested for shoplifting yesterday need not worry. The chances are the investigation will go along the lines of:
  • The store detective will go home before officers manage to get his statement.
  • The CCTV was broken.
  • The member of public who actually witnessed the incident left the store without giving his/her details.
  • The PC will go "No Comment" in interview as he knows the system and will play the odds.
  • He will be bailed and will get the Federation on stand-by. Should the evidence surface, he can use the "I rescued people in the 7/7 Bombings and was traumatised" as a back-up defence.
  • CPS advice will be sought and the decision will either be: "It is not in the public interest to prosecute a hero" or "There is a two second gap when the witnesses did not have the PC in view, so if he claims he put down the items selected and a person he has never seen before put them back into his pocket when he wasn't looking, we will have no way to disprove it." Therefore he will be NFA'd.
  • In the unlikely event that he is charged and convicted, the Met will never fire him as they would have to justify this against the many rank and file officers they employ with convictions for drink-driving and assault.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

couldn't they have just given him a PND at most??

22 September, 2006 12:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd guess they have to make an example of him as he's a bobby

22 September, 2006 15:41

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sometimes confuse me Officer Bloggs, maybe it's because I'm an old white heterosexual male - or maybe it's because you spend so much time posting your posts here and on other sites, as well as working 24 hours a day! Your many posts are often pertinent as well as amusing, but not this one. The officer is a City of London officer and not MET, he probably did genuinely forget to pay for the items, I'm sure we've all done it or nearly done it at some time, and he may well have mitigating reasons why he was forgetful. All forces employ officers with criminal records (spent or otherwise) - for all sorts of reasons - not all political. Drink driving can lose you your job - especially when you kick off at the scene and back at the nick. As for him 'knowing the system', being arrested must have been a devastating shock (and I only hope he was dealt with sensitively and not taken back across the road to Bishopsgate or indeed to any other City nick under arrest) and only the most hard bitten, corrupt, cynical and near criminal cop - of whom there used to be loads - would know how to operate under those circumstances, without dealing with the shame, the panic and the worry the situation will cause his family. I hope he comes out unscathed and that he and his family won't be labelled for ever - whatever is done - let's hope it is dealt with quickly and with common sense - he seems like a good chap by all accounts - and certainly also deserved his commendation for 7/7. And yes, a lot of decent people, non police, are in this situation every day and some get banged up as well - even when innocent. I think you need a rest, you are getting too cynical.

22 September, 2006 16:47

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Believe me, ranter, I sometimes confuse myself! Not everything I write is entirely serious, you know.

22 September, 2006 18:22

Blogger PC South West said...

If he is indeed a dishonest officer then he should be dealt with as such, in our position there is no room for this.
But we are only a small cogg in this machine so lets not pass sentence without having the facts in front of us.

25 September, 2006 20:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes they don't get you, do they?!

26 September, 2006 08:43

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 18:16


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