Them racist coppers again:

Apparently PCSO Steve is too white and male. To be quite frank, he is VERY white. "Male" is less apparent. Still, this fellow is apparently based on a real PCSO, ironically named Stephen King. I certainly felt a chill of horror when I clicked around the BBC website and saw him staring back at me.
Once again, the Met have been accused of failing to take into account minority communities, yada yada yada. Did anyone even consider that there could be a petite female Asian officer inside the above suit? I am just sick of the anti-racist brigade. I mean, it doesn't seem to matter how many Inquiries, Reports, Commissions or Policies come about, people STILL want the police to be less racist. They consistently fail to take into account the massive strides police forces have taken against racism.
For example:
- Blandshire Constabulary now teaches Diversity lessons even to Black and Asian officers!
- Only one, ONE innocent person has been shot recently in the name of Arab terrorism.
- Police applicants get questioned in detail on their racist attitudes. Those officers declaring they would carry out systematic extermination of ethnic minorities will generally NOT be allowed into the force, and instead will have to reapply in six months when they have more life experience.
- There are now more options than ever on the list of "Ethnic Classifications".
It's time for the lobbyists to find something NEW to attack us over. For example, our carbon footprints. It's a disgrace that police officers are allowed to leave lights on in the stairwells and corridors of their 24hr police stations, and I commend the civilian staff who switch them off at 5pm each day just as I close the basement locker-room door behind me.
[If I was FORCED to recommend a few simple steps the police could take to erradicate racism in their ranks, they would be:
[If I was FORCED to recommend a few simple steps the police could take to erradicate racism in their ranks, they would be:
- Include a check-box on the stop-and-account form to be ticked if the stop was carried out due to the person's skin colour alone.
- Include a check-box on the police application form to tick if the applicant is racist.
- Place large inflatable white male PCSO Steves by the door to every nick and encourage officers to burst them with pins as they enter.]
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Sieg Heil
21 November, 2007 16:43
I suspect the PS did this deliberately in order to "Wind up" and expose the mindless thinking behind the PC Brigade.
If I was still in the Job I would have done the same.
But one of the force's sergeants criticised the character for failing to represent the capital's communities.
He said the figure, white with blue eyes and blond hair, risks leaving Asian and women officers "isolated".
The comments sparked a row with some claiming the criticism was taking political correctness too far.
21 November, 2007 16:58
Here in Rualshire we have a very diverse populatiuon. At least one sheep in each flock is black.
21 November, 2007 18:16
Inspector Gadgett sir...are you allowed to say "b***k"?
And by calling a gang of sheep a "flock" are you not alienating the cows who might prefer to be in a "flock" rather than in a "herd"?
Disruntled Kingmagic from a colourless county.
(Can I say "colourless" or am I now discriminating against "bright" hues?
21 November, 2007 18:23
I have learnt this week that I am to have a Diversity workbook to complete by Aug 2009, to prove that I am aware of diversity training. I have 6 years in and have had as many two day courses on the subject. It is a sad reflection of our police forces that it was over three years ago that I last had any legal input (since then we've had some BIG changes in legislation. I have not even received any training in relation to the new powers of arrest), but oh yes, I am diversified.
21 November, 2007 18:30
That lights off at 5pm thing is really annoying. Someone at our nick closes all the fire doors and turns all the computer monitors off too. We haven't gone home, we are OUT ON PATROL!! You know, CATCHING BAD GUYS and all that. Strangely though, I've never actually seen anyone with their finger on the 'off' switch...
21 November, 2007 19:06
I would just like to correct Insp Gadget's dated views on us sheep. I am a proud member of a posse, no not a flock nowdays. In our crib the Westside Woolez rule and wether they be black or white we all pack a nine and are ready to cap any goat or cow that stray into compton. Woolez Rule!
21 November, 2007 19:42
I was never accused of racism or bigotry.
My supervisors and the courts all knew that I didn't like ANYbody.
I was an EAC (Equal Arresting Cop).
Oh, Kingmagic, you are showing a prejudice against us colonials with your spelling of "colourless". I think the term "berift of hue" would be more acceptable if you please.
21 November, 2007 20:29
If the figures are supposed to represent the capital's communities, why isn't there a male figure wearing lipstick, earrings and carrying The Best of Dusty Springfield CDs? How about a female figure with tattoos, wearing denim jeans and Doc Martens? There could be one of an indeterminate sex with a hypodemic nerdle stuck in their arm. A female accompanied by 5 kids, each of different hues? Then there are shoplifters, paedophiles, mass murderers and one who's applied to be the Mayor of London. How much more representational can you get?
21 November, 2007 21:41
Steve's cousin was presumptuous but racist, I'll not have it.
21 November, 2007 21:57
Hi Bloggsy. I put the first letter in my Blogg... that of a PS in the MET who was obviously applying for something... the answer is there too... and yes... It was taken seriously!
22 November, 2007 12:05
I have by many examples been shown that the first to shout Racist, is the racist!
22 November, 2007 12:30
In the 1970's I was taught how to cross the road by Tufty.
As a non-squirrel I really objected to this and felt
marginalised and discriminated against.
Who can I sue?
22 November, 2007 12:32
If the inflatable PCSO had originally be based on an Asian female - would this not be racist and sexist too - as PCSOs are predominantly white and male.
Why are we bothered that the Police are predominantly white and male????
I am not bothered that the doctors at my local A and E are predominantly Asian and male - as long as they treat me the next time I am injured!
I am not bothered that the nurses in my local hospital are white/black and asian and predominantly female - as long as they help me the next time I am kept in!
I am not bothered that all the taxi drivers in my town are asian males - as long as they take me home after a night on the town.
I am not bothered that the all the builders I have employed have been white Irish - as long as they do the job.
I AM bothered that people insist that a certain percentage of certain jobs should be for certain races. These social engineers forcing their beliefs on the majority are the true racists - they are the ones that see people as a colour not as a person. To pidgeon hole people into a 16 point chart when peoples background and heritage is so diverse is itself stereotyping - something I believe new recruits to the police are warned not to do.
22 November, 2007 14:13
Re: Ethnic Classifications, I note that 'White English, Welsh, Scots, Ulster' are now indistinguishable.
That's real 'equality' for you!
Interesting to see our local force mentioned.
But I have reservations about our Cleveland Police logo Putting People First. It's on all the police vehicles that you see around here.
I think it should be Putting Law and Order First.
It would be interesting to get the view of the chairman of our local police authority. He is noted for his sound, level-headed approach to policing.
23 November, 2007 00:49
Almost through with your book btw. And it's fab!
23 November, 2007 01:10
Anonymous 1413 22nd Nov
So well put it deserves to be on the comments twice!
Keep em coming!
23 November, 2007 05:20
shot recently?
does that have a saving grave?
(sorry I meant grace)
25 November, 2007 18:13
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