Did it, Didn't it?
David Cameron is being accused of making up a story to impress his audience. The story is a tale of a schoolboy who has attacked a teacher, trashed a classroom and remains undisciplined.
The school in question has got up on its high horse claiming the incident never happened and demanding an apology. Cameron insists he was told this story and spoke to the boy. In reality, we'll never know. This kind of thing does happen, just read Frank Chalk's frighteningly good book to see for yourself.
Of course, unless Cameron gives us the name of the boy and the dates of the incident in question, he can't ever prove that what he said is true. Just as PC Copperfield can't prove he was ever the only police officer on duty in Burton, without coughing up the dates (and possibly a witness who can confirm the other fifty officers who might possibly have been on duty were actually committed full-time to detectioning and emailing).
When are people going to wake up and recognise that unless you provide comprehensive audit trails of every phone-call you make, every conversation you have and every step you take, then YOU DIDN'T DO IT? If possible, witness testimonies should be recorded every time you arrive for work and from every member of public you speak with. This is in accordance with the 21st Century Police Rule of Self-Monitoring which states that despite numerous departments created solely for the purpose of monitoring your every move, you are also required to document your own movements if you wish to have any proof that they occurred.
How can anyone expect to be taken seriously based on the evidence of their memory and integrity? It's almost as if police officers expect to be TRUSTED nowadays!
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
The school in question has got up on its high horse claiming the incident never happened and demanding an apology. Cameron insists he was told this story and spoke to the boy. In reality, we'll never know. This kind of thing does happen, just read Frank Chalk's frighteningly good book to see for yourself.
Of course, unless Cameron gives us the name of the boy and the dates of the incident in question, he can't ever prove that what he said is true. Just as PC Copperfield can't prove he was ever the only police officer on duty in Burton, without coughing up the dates (and possibly a witness who can confirm the other fifty officers who might possibly have been on duty were actually committed full-time to detectioning and emailing).
When are people going to wake up and recognise that unless you provide comprehensive audit trails of every phone-call you make, every conversation you have and every step you take, then YOU DIDN'T DO IT? If possible, witness testimonies should be recorded every time you arrive for work and from every member of public you speak with. This is in accordance with the 21st Century Police Rule of Self-Monitoring which states that despite numerous departments created solely for the purpose of monitoring your every move, you are also required to document your own movements if you wish to have any proof that they occurred.
How can anyone expect to be taken seriously based on the evidence of their memory and integrity? It's almost as if police officers expect to be TRUSTED nowadays!
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Police personnel - probable probity presumed, politicians? - perchance!
09 October, 2007 11:47
We already Self Monitor ourselves. Its called Activity Analysis. That hated annual waste of time so they can cut resorces because nothing happens at a set time. Until the wheels fall off. As you might have guessed i'm in the middle of this charade at the moment.
09 October, 2007 13:36
Even if he did reveal the ID of the kid and the day/date/time/place that the conversation happened, then the kid could just deny it anyway which would mean it never happened!! just ask a defence solicitor!!
09 October, 2007 13:38
Police Officers - trusted? Who would chance such a thing?
09 October, 2007 15:38
Everyone is on file.
Deniers and defence lawyers too.
09 October, 2007 16:44
So....... you didn't write this Blog and I'm not reading it yes?
09 October, 2007 17:14
When I have officers in court on their days off, I am expected to fill out their overtime request sheets!
If I can't trust a police officer not to steal a half hour's pay, how can I trust him to tell the truth on the witness stand?
Sends a great "message", as the management experts say.
09 October, 2007 17:40
All this talk of accountability and the "if it's not recorded it's not been done" philosophy really gets me *%$£?).
We should go on mass to the Politicians and say - how do we know you speak to and speak on behalf of your constituents .. and represent all classes and races of your constituents??
From now on they should be made to complete a stop speak form - detailing.
(1) Which constituent they spoke to
(2) Time, date and place.
(3) Ethnicity, sexuality and any disability criteria of the constituent.
(4) Issue/subject discussed.
They could then produce graphs and charts showing which issues constituents are bothered about..
Where and when you are most likely to see your MP.
Also - we can check they are speaking to the correct proportion of one legged green thesbians from Pluto compared with the make up of the Constituent.
I admit it is bureuacratic - but that which they have imposed on us...
Also - they would be more ACCOUNTABLE which is the buzz word of the century for us...
OH - and like us their expenses should be proportionate, receiptable and additional to what they would normally spend - the second home int he Country may have to go - as would the 3 course and bottle of Chateau neuf meal - what's wrong with a Mctea.
Ricky G
09 October, 2007 19:16
VhuhVw Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
26 October, 2007 10:47
w2u70Y Nice Article.
26 October, 2007 19:08
ciKYg9 Thanks to author.
26 October, 2007 19:49
Hello all!
26 October, 2007 20:20
26 October, 2007 20:46
Nice Article.
27 October, 2007 20:21
Wonderful blog.
27 October, 2007 21:10
Thanks to author.
28 October, 2007 14:53
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
30 October, 2007 06:23
Wonderful blog.
30 October, 2007 09:37
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
30 October, 2007 13:28
xvNknu Please write anything else!
31 October, 2007 18:41
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
31 October, 2007 19:09
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03 April, 2009 20:38
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15 April, 2009 01:50
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