This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Walking on Eggshells?

CC Terry Grange has taken a brave step this week in stating that boys aged twenty who have sex with thirteen-year-olds are not necessarily paedophiles.

I am now checking The Sun website daily waiting for their "Terry Grange gives the green light to paedophiles" headline which is bound to appear soon. This is the paper that brought us some novel Twenty-First Century approaches to tackling paedophilia:
  • Men accused of sex offences should not be allowed legal advice.
  • Convicted paedophiles should not be allowed into off-licenses.
  • No matter how minor the offence, anything related to children should involve a life sentence and preferably hanging.
Judges must love presiding over cases involving paedophilia, as it gives them to chance to send a child-rapist to jail for a couple of years. For this we have to thank the wonder that is Sentencing Guidelines. These all-important rules restrict judges in passing sentence and if they are strayed from there is a good chance that an appeal to a higher court will be successful. The Guidelines are rarely tackled head-on as a political issue as it would just give rise to too many appeals and this would confuse lots of people - something which must be avoided by any party hoping to gain votes in an election.

One example of the impact of these Guidelines on court cases is Robbery (a violent theft). They state that if minimal force is used, the range of sentence available is just 1-3 years. If an early Guilty plea is entered, this means between 9-24 months can be given out. With good behaviour this means as little as 18 weeks could be spent actually behind bars for an offence that carries up to Life imprisonment under law.

I think this is a marvellous thing, as by tinkering with the Guidelines, we can basically stop anyone from ever going to prison again no matter what they do.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger PC South West said...

It's a complete joke that's what it is!! I think convicted paedophiles should never be given the opportunity to re-offend. The problem is that is costs a small fortune to keep them locked up in a 4 star prison with all the comfort that is not even seen on most housing estates.
We need an Alcatraz style prison here.

19 November, 2006 16:36

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In June this year he was outraged that the News Of The World was deciding government policy for paedophiles. He is also the child protection spokesman for ACPO (or he was then) so get protecting our children and stop talking such nonsense. A thirteen year old in my humble opinion is not mature enough to cope with the intricacies of such a relationship. A 20 year old must play by the rules and thats all their is to it.

19 November, 2006 20:28

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

I like the prison that was on "FaceOff"

19 November, 2006 21:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes but was he not (perhaps foolishly) just pointing out that there are at the margins grey areas. For example 17 yr old boy has sex with 16 year old girl. Legal in England Wales and Scotland. Illegal in Northern Ireland (according to the BBC story).
So the same youth can be Okay one place but over the Irish sea a "paedo" by the Sun's presumed definition of any male who has sex with an under age female.

19 November, 2006 21:40

Blogger Officer Dibble said...

Seems a classic case of a senior officer forgetting his notes from Bramshill regarding media interviews..subtitled 'Place foot in mouth until you have thought through the consequences'
The BBC link later mentions that he says his views are 'personal'
So why make them public?
Surely he must realise that someone in his position coming out with this viewpoint will be seized upon to be reflecting official thinking.
Unless it is...and he lost the toss to be the one to put it out there.

19 November, 2006 23:36

Blogger Threat Assessment & Response Canada said...

Wow. Over here you can molest a child and get time served on a plea (days), and sometimes even serve your sentence in the community! Of course that's IF you get convicted - which is tough. Oh, and IF it even goes to court - There has to be a "reasonable prospect of conviction" and what that is all depends on how hard the Crown wants to work and whether or not the Judge has a golf game that day.

20 November, 2006 03:45

Blogger Poison-Dwarf said...

Welcome back PcBloggs......I accept all the comments here but there is still a world of difference between someone like a twenty year old having sex with a fully consenting fifteen year old and someone say like Gary Glitter who has shown a track record of paedophilia.
Also paedophilia is sex with a pre pubescent isn't it?

20 November, 2006 14:21

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03 April, 2009 18:54

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15 April, 2009 11:04


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