I'm transferring...
... to the Met. Just to drive this.

Judging by the angst-ridden comments to my post on stress, we could all do with a relaxing day out in this bad boy.
This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.
Does anyone know what car this is because I want one...
01 November, 2006 23:25
Tis a gallardo methinks.. Ill join up this second if I get to drive that!
01 November, 2006 23:44
How fast does it go..? (I suppose we'll see some irresponsible wally travelling at 220 mph in a 30mph limit trying to find out, and then claiming exemption from the speed limit because he was using it for Police purposes.)
02 November, 2006 01:43
The car in question, is a Lamborghini Murciélago LP640. Vey nice it is too.
Further details here http://www.lamborghini.co.uk/?section=models&sub_section=2&model=murcielago_lp640
02 November, 2006 06:41
Ofcourse, being female you can be sure to get on the course to drive such a thing ;)
02 November, 2006 08:49
Better not tell that PC in the West Mercia Police...
02 November, 2006 13:34
I bet it's not full of empty pasty wrappers and used breath box tubes.
And I bet the log book is complete. But where do they put all the cones, traffic signs and big red key?
02 November, 2006 16:59
The beast doesn't half shift but the blue light is very low down so people don't see it (even less than usual), had a few buttocks clenching moments on speed bumps too. Still beats the old BMW any late turn of the week
02 November, 2006 19:17
Best give it to the 'tache wearing bod from West Mercia to see how fast it really is ;-p
It would be wasted on Top Gear.
02 November, 2006 19:35
Yes, yes, Yes....but it is a 'Met' Police car. Therefore it will only be allowed to go at the speed limit for the road it is travelling on. The driver will be linked to it by a bluetooth type implant, so if there's any detection of nasty thoughts the driver will be ejected, it will be so luvvly, and fluffy, and so caring and thoughtful, that you might as drive a 'SMART'
02 November, 2006 22:22
extraspecialcopper - as it happens the Lamborghini Advanced Driver Seminar (LADS) is particularly requesting applications from WOMEN. Something to do with DIVERSITY, whatever that is.
03 November, 2006 00:12
Just where in London is a street where I can drive a #$%^& Corsa at 50?
03 November, 2006 01:29
Heh indeed you found a silver one, before me too! Is a shame that both motors are nothing more than publicity stunts for the met. Half their traffic dept still go round in omega's, if my sources are anything to go by. And I wouldn't want to be a passenger in it, I tell you that much, not unless I knew the driver very, very well (and he knows I can take his driving permit off him heheheheheh)
05 November, 2006 15:03
Indeed. We have Vectras, but not sure if they are any better than the Omegas. I don't think it's possible NOT to speed in that thing.
05 November, 2006 16:12
Obviously this was done as a pube lickity stunt. The MET would NEVER NEVER buy a car that was anything other than dull. The best they have managed was the Golf VR6's of the late 90's. Anyhow, god knows what class of driver you would need to be, probably special clever bloke who makes up the classifications until he has had a go. Stay Safe.
11 November, 2006 22:52
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