This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Did you vote?

60,000 police officers have voted on our right to industrial action, with 86% in favour. This landmark occasion signals the start of a period when the Federation will consider starting to begin to signal the start of lobbying for police industrial rights, initially.

Dan Collins rang to ask which way I'd voted. I told him I did vote, but due to an administrative error whereby our ballot papers arrived two days after the deadline, no one in Blandshire Constabulary has had their vote counted. We really are our own worst enemy sometimes...

'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted. I'm just not convinced the result will make the slightest difference.

20 May, 2008 19:49

Blogger Busy said...

I voted. I'm just convinced the result will make no difference whatsoever.

20 May, 2008 20:25

Blogger blueknight said...

As I said on gadgets blog, some sort of work to rule, where the Police fulfilled their basic function but did not get involved in all the secondary crap might be the best option.

21 May, 2008 00:03

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted NOT to strike because I really care about Wayne and Waynetta and their threats to text each-other to death, and I couldn't bear to think of the poor darlings on the Ruraltown Estate, having to live a whole day without our constant attention. As for the tax paying, law abiding silent majority; they wouldn't notice because we never attend their calls due to the above!

21 May, 2008 06:55

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spot on wry commentary; the toothless tiger ballots to begin to begin the process of being allowed possible to strike.

Not really much of a threat, particularly since this government will have changed before we even get halfway down the route.

Too little, too late - as usual.

21 May, 2008 08:29

Blogger uniform said...

still..the Fed have a nice new H/Q see their website It's got a swiming pool and a bar

sample menu :

Langleys Bar

Open 11.00 till 02.00 offering a fantastic selection of coffees using rainforest alliance beans, morning goods and all day grazing menu.

rainforest alliance beans ,all day grazing ALL DAY GRAZING ! what the f****, well that should keep the spirits up @ 2 in the morning on (fill in kitchen sink estate name )

is it £17 a month now ?

21 May, 2008 10:10

Blogger Area Trace No Search said...

We didn't even get our ballot slips in our division...

The system works.

21 May, 2008 13:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't need the right to strike. Everyone goes sick on the same day,not difficult to arrange.
Glad I'm out.

21 May, 2008 20:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

What vote?
We WERE asked to vote by our fed branch on various proposed minor shift changes last week, but before I could "e-vote" I had to plough through a massive equal ops form on the front asking me my marital status, religion and sexuality etc etc
Eventually, bored and frustrated, I just gave up and spent the time sending a rude email to our branch secretary about what a complete arse he was for making everyone fill in this form.
Felt better....

22 May, 2008 14:14

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think people are missing the point. I voted for the right to strike IF there is no binding independent abitration. However I never would. The point is that for a force that has always been strongly against a right to strike to swing to 86% in favour sends a really strong message that the Home Secretary has 'lost the dressing room' to use football parlance. It sounds like nothing to us in the real world but in political terms it's very damaging. Ministers are expected make an arguements for their 'departments' against the treasury. Incidentally I watched Question Time last night (yes, I am that old!) and this came up and the audience loudly applauded the comments in favour of the police and Hazel Blear's (how did that woman ever get to be a politician?)attempted justification was met with tumbleweeds blowing across the studio. We will never get the back pay but don't underestimate our bargaining position for the next round. (Ok, don't expect to win the lottery but expect fairer treatment).

23 May, 2008 17:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted online via the fed website.
Which was a lucky thing as the ballot paper arrived last week via my internal post.

I am not convinced that it will make any difference either, even if we got the right to strike there is no way that enough people would actually see it through to make any meaningful point.

24 May, 2008 13:08

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03 April, 2009 21:17

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15 April, 2009 10:30


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