Speaking Out or Outspoken?
One of the attractions of becoming a Chief Constable is that views you used to air on the course at St. Andrew's can become headlines overnight.
You can just picture Peter Fahy out with his chums after a smashing round, watching the shenannigans of some half-naked teenagers, shaking his head and sighing, "Ooh, if I caught my daughter drunk and in that get-up..." Instead of sighing it to his chums, however, he has blurted to the media. Now it's a national debate.
It seems to be a random process deciding what particular view to preach about, and quite often Chiefs choose their day to do so with unfortunate timing. Such as when Clive Wolfenden extolled the virtues of arming the police a couple of weeks after his force shot an unarmed nutter. Or when Ian Readhead bemoaned our Big Brother society just after a village in his own force spent a fortune on new CCTV cameras.
When I become Chief Constable, which naturally I will do after following Chief Constable Richard Brunstrom's advice and making my gripes public knowledge in blog and book form, I hope to see headlines promoting my more workable ideas. If Essex Chief Constable Roger Baker can make the news by asking his officers not to send emails on a Wednesday, I'm sure I can do as well with a few sarky remarks about the Home Office.

At the Chief Constables' annual conference, sniffer dogs ensure their vehicles are safe for the hard day's work ahead.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
PC Blogg: "Johnny Law" is not unique to modern police times...it is in fact considered the personification of all law enforcement dating back to Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court John Jay ( 1789-1795 ).
Case decisions handed down by him were call John's Law and Southern US Sheriff's referred to themselves as John Law...gamgster John Dillinger called uncorruptable cops: John Law.
A 1937 comic book character was NYPD Detective Johnny Law. No one can claim ownership of that name: You, I, all of us that serve, have served and those that come after us will be Johnny Law.
So when you become Chief Constable carry the name and do it proud.
19 August, 2007 04:01
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
19 August, 2007 11:39
Will PC Bloggs now be installing a limit on comment length? If I want to read the views of SW I'll buy a copy, and relevence to this post - nil.
19 August, 2007 12:05
There is no limit on comment-length, but that was just ridiculous.
US DS, you mean he didn't make up "Johnny Law"?! I'm disgusted. At least I've chosen a completely original and brand new pseudonym to write under...
19 August, 2007 18:58
Criticism of the police is "ridiculous" ?
20 August, 2007 08:53
Just to clarify, the post I've removed was not criticism of the police, it was a 10 page extract from the Socialist Worker manifesto - nothing wrong with that in essence if that's what floats your boat, except that it wasn't relevant to the topic at hand. I can't have my readers writing more and being more boring than me, so it's been deleted.
20 August, 2007 14:12
"Bloggs", that puerile diatribe was as weak a rationale for back-pedaling as ever I have heard.
Since when have any of the replies on a thread ever stay on topic?
You advocate free speech and open discourse, yet censored something because it criticised the police. Pure and simple.
You are a hypocrite
21 August, 2007 21:58
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