Shake My Hand!
Today a scrawny drug user was so grateful to me for taking down a record of his confession that he offered a sweaty palm for me to shake. Unfortunately it is against my religious beliefs to contract Hepatitis, so I declined, mumbling a made-up tale of an infested house I had visited earlier.
There are other categories of hand I will not shake...
- Blood-stained ones.
- Filthy ones.
- Ones soaked in an unidentifiable substance.
- Mad people's.
- Drunk people's.
- Stoned people's.
- Those of people who fought me earlier and now want to apologise.
- Those of people who have a history of snapping police officer's hands off.
- Those of people who have a history of alleging that police officers have tried to snap their hands off/sexually assaulted them.
- Limp ones.
- Sweaty ones.
- Those of people whose houses I am about to search/have just searched.
... and circumstances in which I will not shake a hand:
- During a fight (you know, when some passing drunk thinks you want to say hello whilst restraining another passing drunk).
- Following a fight.
- Following a foot-chase.
- Just prior to a fight or foot-chase.
- After searching a house/person.
- When tired.
- When cold.
- When about to arrest someone.
- When about to arrest someone's child.
- On releasing someone from custody who has been there for drugs/sex/alcohol/urination/assault/abusive language.
I am surprised that Sir Ian Blair is so aggrieved by a PC not wishing to shake his hand this week. Did he ask himself if it was for any of the above reasons? Surely he must be used to people not liking him.
The real issue is whether this officer is willing to go hands-on with people she has to, not her self-important chief.
The real issue is whether this officer is willing to go hands-on with people she has to, not her self-important chief.
As seen below, not everyone is in the mood for handshaking even when they have to:

Handshakes have always been controversial.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Perhaps he can have a read of this blog and post his reply
23 January, 2007 21:46
I wonder if that Muslim Woman Police Constable's first posting is to Golders Green?.
24 January, 2007 12:05
Har har. Golders Green. Or Stoke Newington.
24 January, 2007 13:17
You have a point. I would not want to shake the politically twat's hand either! AND his name is Blair!
24 January, 2007 19:17
Missed out correct
24 January, 2007 19:24
This is all getting 'out of hand', sorry, no pun intended (again), but I am extremely worried about where this is going. 'Grip 'n Grin', is an extremely lucrative paying aspect of this snappers work, boring yes, but a couple of hundred notes for an hour or so with The Institute of Management Accountants, a ham sandwich and a lager, well, I can handle that. So I hope the handshake ritual isn't going to go Tango's up. I would have to find something else to fill the gap and er, 'grease the palm', sorry no pun intended.....
24 January, 2007 21:05
Even when I was first interviwed for the Met, we were warned not to shake the interviewers' case they had cultural reasons for not doing so. Got the exact same habit drilled into us at Hendon too.
Guess it's one rule for Sir Ian and another for the rest of us eh?
25 January, 2007 00:34
Absoutely it is one rule for Sir Blah Blah Blah and one rule for us lower minions.
Did I say lower minions? Hmm, Sir Ian, doesn't like to be challenged, but then does any Chiefsy or their Hr Director, or the ACC. Unless one sings their tune, one is a minion.
No, by right they are always right....Perhaps the officer simply doesn;t know where that hand has been?
27 January, 2007 12:06
"There there," Sir Ian said, "It's not that I don't agree with you Mr Ghaffur, know what I mean."
Oh, I'm not saying the officer in this case was Mr Ghaffur, but it is rumoured that Sir also doesn't speak with Tariq Ghaffur.
It is alleged that on the issue of Masonic handshakes sir Ian took the advise of a treble graduate Staff Officer with 10 years service who is on the way up.Ooo!
27 January, 2007 12:10
I don't often disagree with you Bloggsy, but on this I do.
Is there anyone out there who can tell me the Muslim Faith is so inflexible as to offer handshakes and really mean it? this smacks of a yet another orchestrated media strategy just like the Isreali Embassy debacle!"
I don't likr the Commisioner for at least a dozen reasons, but I'd never refuse his hand, "respect the rank not the man....."
29 January, 2007 09:22
TUPC, where did I say I agreed with her behaviour?
29 January, 2007 14:03
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15 April, 2009 11:34
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