This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Met, Again:

I have discovered another reason why officers defect from dozens of forces in the south of England to go to the Met: To arrest important people.

The officers who arrested Tony Blair's aide this morning must just be thrilled to have the details of the arrest in the papers, although the arresting officer's name has been rudely omitted (no doubt so that his/her Chief can claim credit for the performance figures). "BBC officials were said to be 'taken aback'" claims the above article, though why the BBC has chosen to report on its own officials I cannot imagine (perhaps a comma would have helped here).

I can also only assume it was the fact of the arrest being at 0630 GMT that surprised them rather than the arrest itself. I too am taken aback: in Blandmore we have to make our morning arrests by 0530 GMT in order to ensure we do not incur overtime transporting the prisoners to custody.

Back to the original point, I have only arrested one famous person in my career and no one had ever heard of him/her. The lucky old Met get to do it every other day, as evidenced here, here, and here. Even if their prisoners weren't famous before their arrest, they often become so afterwards. No wonder Met officers are rolling in it - the sideline in selling gossip must be lucrative. Not only this, but they get to tell their families all about it. The only downside is also having to tell their families that they work for the Met.

You can't have it all.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

How many met officers does it take to push a man down the stairs?

None - he fell!

20 January, 2007 10:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel these unwarranted comments are a scandalous slur on the brave men and women who make up the MPS.

Anyone with an iota of common sense knows that the era of 'falling down the stairs' on the way to the cells ended in the Met years ago.

Bloody CCTV in custody......

20 January, 2007 11:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there!

Been a lurker on your blog for some months, thoroughly enjoy your take on your work, anyway, I comment with reason, the link to the injured cyclist website's gone a bit wrong, leads to all sort of rubbish now. Just thought you might want to know



20 January, 2007 11:58

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mtyorpvA quick search on the net indicates the "dawn raid" is fairly standard procedure where there is belief that evidence may be destroyed and I find it hard to think what "obstructing the course of justice" means in this case other than destroying evidence.

I would be interested in your serious professional opinion as to whether this is usual.

20 January, 2007 23:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mtyorpvA is not a secret code, I ballsed up your stupid word verify thing

20 January, 2007 23:09

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

"The dawn raid": otherwise known as the hour of 0530hrs when, as mentioned, PCs in Blandmore can get an arrest in and transport to custody, returning to Blandmore in time to book off on time at 0700hrs. I have only done one "dawn raid" for the purposes of preventing evidence-destruction and we did that one at about 0300.

21 January, 2007 00:38

Blogger PCFrankyFact said...

When I was in the Met it was a pleasure to go to work.
Then of course some moron implemented a "Change."
You know the type of thing. Happens every couple of years or so. Someone from the dream factory decides they've come up with a better way of doing things and so gets promoted or rewarded coz we "Change."
And each time we move further and further away from common sense and efficiency and descend into chaos.
I was glad to leave in the end, only to find out its a countrywide disease.

21 January, 2007 13:04

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03 April, 2009 19:17

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15 April, 2009 11:35


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