Something's Wrong
This month in Blandmore I have spent every night shift driving past the house of a man wanted for Grievous Bodily Harm on his girlfriend, to look for any signs of movement that could justify a door boshing. Strangely enough, by the third or fourth night, I was struck by a sense of deja vu... and not just because I'd driven past the house for three nights running. It occurred to me that I had carried out the same patrols back in October, for the same guy, and for the same offence. In a sudden panic that I might be looking for someone who had already been arrested, I did some computer checks.
It turned out that the offender - we'll call him Morris - was Blandmore's most-wanted for two months back in October, for Grievous Bodily Harm on the same girlfriend. After a coordinated CID, Area Intelligence and uniformed operation involving the kind of overtime figures that would give Jacqui Smith a hot flush, he was nicked in a hideout and put before the courts.
The next day he was back out with the instructions "Please try to turn up on your court date next time, Morris, there's a good chap." A day later he went round to his girlfriend's house and broke her jaw. Cue more overtime and another hot flush for the Home Secretary.
There's something wrong with this picture.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
It turned out that the offender - we'll call him Morris - was Blandmore's most-wanted for two months back in October, for Grievous Bodily Harm on the same girlfriend. After a coordinated CID, Area Intelligence and uniformed operation involving the kind of overtime figures that would give Jacqui Smith a hot flush, he was nicked in a hideout and put before the courts.
The next day he was back out with the instructions "Please try to turn up on your court date next time, Morris, there's a good chap." A day later he went round to his girlfriend's house and broke her jaw. Cue more overtime and another hot flush for the Home Secretary.
There's something wrong with this picture.
Copyright of PC Bloggs.
Some things are just beyond belief..xx
17 January, 2008 19:42
Next they'll be asking you to let people off caught with bald tyres as it will help with the UKs carbon footprint. Daft? with Gordon's lot you couldn't make it up.
17 January, 2008 20:09
the mistake we all make is thinking someone is paying attention to the big picture , which is 4 dogs playing pool , you know the one.
there is no joined up thinking , just reactive minute by minute panic .
18 January, 2008 00:35
How do we complain about crap decisions by the courts? I mean, you can complain about the cops, you can sue your lawyer, you can even take the government to court. So there must be a way of holding these idiots to account, surely?
18 January, 2008 08:57
I like Jack Straws response: 'The defendant would have carried out the attack whenever he was released.' !!!!!????
Oh well then its not the governments fault!!!
Let them all out shall we???
If it was the opinion of the parol board that he would attack again he should never be let out, let alone let out early!!!
18 January, 2008 11:03
Anon 0035: on the contrary, there's lots of people with their eye on the big picture. But no one thinking about the little.
18 January, 2008 13:01
Anyone would think that someone on bail might go around and kick someone to death next! they have.
18 January, 2008 23:46
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19 January, 2008 00:16
Gary Newlove that is totally the height of bad taste and if you don't want to read you know what you can do, sorry Ellie I know I shouldn't rise to these trolls but it infuriates me that someone could even mention the poor guys name...arghhhhh
19 January, 2008 02:37
Nothing is wrong. Judge, Defence Lawyer, Social Workers, NHS, Probation officers, and MPs are all paid. None of THEM have broken jaws. And Police and CPS have to catch and convict AGAIN.
Of course we are paid, too. I don't really believe that everybody in "the system" likes this, but SOMEONE keeps doing the release part of catch and release.
Here's an idea for a Judge-
Morris! Once again you are charged with beating the same woman, again while on bail!
The presumption of innocence requires me to believe that these accusations are false. I find that the only way to protect you from this conspiracy of lies is to deny bail.
19 January, 2008 15:31
Hey Emma - is that he same poor guy who was totally ignored by police time after time when he 'phoned in?
19 January, 2008 19:50
I decided to remove a comment, not to censor its content but due to the inappropriate use of a murdered man's name. Feel free to re-post your rancour without insulting anyone's memory.
20 January, 2008 21:15
Then be consistent.
You're buddy, Gadget made a murdered man the butt of an
Frankie Howerd comedy routine.
I decided to remove a comment, not to censor its content but due to the inappropriate use of a murdered man's name. Feel free to re-post your rancour without insulting anyone's memory.
23 January, 2008 01:39
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