This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Charity Begins...

As other bloggers have pointed out, we have only just started the new year and already there are names to be added to the Police Roll of Honour, as well as some near misses. The linked website is one of the charities to which I donate some of my book/blog proceeds, and provides a roll of honour of all police officers who have died on duty (or going to/from), whether by criminal act or accident.

There is often little recognition for police who die in car accidents, but it is in fact the biggest killer of police in this country (which I suppose is something to be grateful for). This isn't because we're bad drivers - in fact we probably drive better than the majority of the public. However, a police officer can easily clock up 1000 miles a week in a rural force, on top of the few hundred he/she drives in his own car, which means statistically they are more likely to be involved in crashes. I also have several colleagues who have been seriously injured or killed on the way home from work - a much higher number than most of my friends in civilian jobs.

It's worth remembering that sometimes it's the lifestyle and hard hours that kill, rather than the controversial madman who was let out to make cell space. These less glamourous victims often don't make the headlines, but they still gave their lives doing a dangerous job and should be recognised. Every time you click on the Google Ads at the top of the page, you are donating money to their memories.

While you're in the mood to be charitable, drop in here and make a difference to some living police officers' lives.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going on the 23rd, as are a good few of my shift. I think we should go just to show this shower what we think. Will it do any good, No. 750,000 against the war and up to 1 mil against the hunting ban did not, so a few well behaved coppers wont make brown look up from his lunch. just wonder what his BGs will say to him.

15 January, 2008 21:18

Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my force we do not have a double crewing policey, (mainly because there are not enough cops on reactive duty) we have what is called a safer crewing policy. (chief con. first name short for michael last name rymes with brake). Answer me this if all cops were double crewed, whether on foot or in cars, whether at night or just starting dayshift would PC Henry be dead? Would we be burying yet another of our colleuges? Does risk assessment conducted by high up ******* with rank sitting safley behind a desk actually work? In my blood boilin opinion.... NOPE!

16 January, 2008 01:42

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A question:
If you are on your own, following a high speed car (is it called a high speed pursuit or something?), and a passenger jumps out and runs off into the woods, but the car carries on going, who do you follow?

17 January, 2008 16:24

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Car. Always go for the driver.

But it kind of depends why you're pursuing them, doesn't it?

17 January, 2008 16:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! That would make sense! Thanks!

17 January, 2008 16:32

Anonymous Anonymous said...

... and just reflecting upon the state of dazzling intellect and mentation that was involved in the last three exchanges-

- you sorry lot think you are worth a pay-rise?

You're bloody lucky to be in a job at all.

17 January, 2008 23:27

Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon 23.27 - er, I asked the question about the chase because I'm not in the police!

18 January, 2008 08:54

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No you didn't!! I did! Lol! but I'm not in the police, I was just watching 'Street Crime UK' and they always go for the driver and I just thought,well what if the person who got out took all the drugs and crap out with him, so when the police do stop him there is nothing illegal IN his car because the other bloke took it with him when he got out, if that all makes sense! And, I am a state of dazzling intelect thank you very much, just because you probably sit on your fat arse all day calculating numbers or something, doesn't mean to say that you decide who is worth a payrise. Tosser.

18 January, 2008 18:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, it appears the staff at the local sub-educational unit have left their computers on again and popped out for a fag.

19 January, 2008 11:28

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03 April, 2009 20:58

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15 April, 2009 10:05


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