This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

No joking - it's an emergency:

Some paramedics are in trouble for suggesting that a fattie could only be moved by the fire brigade. While they were standing around laughing, the woman died. Apparently the issue is that paramedics are not aware that patients are "people". Some diversity training is in order.

Perhaps it should be reiterated that it is not the job of the emergency services to make snide remarks about the people they go to help, no matter who the person may be. The slightest smile or laugh from a paramedic or police officer should be taken as a sign that they are not taking the matter seriously. After all, it has been scientifically proven that laughter prevents the brain from working.

I would therefore like to propose that the radio transmissions relating to every incident are burned to disc and posted to the relevant party. After hearing themselves described in the unprofessional, sarcastic Blandmore manner I like to refer to as "honesty", with any luck they will never call the police again.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger PC South West said...

Well said PC Bloggs!!
How very dare they suggest that this lady was too heavy to lift themselves, are they fatists?
They should all be sent on a diversity course immediately.

05 June, 2007 16:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"While they were standing around laughing, the woman died"

Nuff said.

05 June, 2007 18:12

Blogger McNoddy said...

Ah, but there is a conflict here having been on their moving and handling course and taking the advice of same and assessing the potential risk etc. blah blah....

Common sense course needed.



05 June, 2007 18:15

Blogger Paradise Driver said...

With the advent of the UK's new anti-smoking law, on July 1st (I think). Do you anticipate a massive enforcement effort decree from the powers that be?

I can see it now:

"Car 21, 17, and 5. Please divert from your response to the bank-robbery-in-progress and attend a report of a female smoking in the ladies loo at the 'Dog & Duck'. We'll request a parking warden to check out the bank."

06 June, 2007 00:35

Blogger CSI:UK said...

I'm always fearful of being captured laughing like that a major scenes when the press are around. Luckily most of the time I'm fully masked up and tightly wrapped in a white suit.

06 June, 2007 16:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this a picture of PC Clod herself? The Pig in a Wig?

06 June, 2007 21:13

Blogger McNoddy said...

Paradise driver,

1. It's already law in the rest of the UK (over 15 months now up here).

2. It's up to the local authorities to police it.

3. I smoke and it is still a bleedin' great improvement. Pubs and restaurants are smoke free and my clothes don't reek every time I come out of one. I also get to meet interesting people on the streets!

4. So far it's working fine and there has been barely a single prosecution.

5. However, looking at it as a an easy detection, it might not be too long before various English SMT's decide to move in on this and enforce it rigorously.


06 June, 2007 23:04

Blogger The Thin Blue Line said...

To be fair to the paramedics, how hard is it when you're at a job like this and someone says something that sets you off. Then you have to wait in turn to go out into the garden and have a good laugh.
Maybe it doesn't look professional. Maybe it doesn't look great. But paramedics and the Police have to deal with some pretty horrendous stuff.
If we didn't deal with it in the way we do then we'd all be barking mad and spend our time licking walls.

07 June, 2007 02:29

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but to be fair to the husband his wife died at home with paramedics assisting. It was literally a matter of life and death, so it does seem (if the reporting is obviously accurate) completely inappropriate.

08 June, 2007 12:33

Anonymous Anonymous said...

noddy you are an idiot.

'I also get to meet interesting people on the streets!'

lol, always look on the bright side of life. De do de do de do de do de do.

08 June, 2007 19:36

Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Pubs and restaurants are smoke free and my clothes don't reek every time I come out of one.'

lol, I just noticed this one. So you smoke yet your clothes dont smell of it? Amazing.

10 June, 2007 22:19

Blogger Bitseach said...

My word, Anon is very bitter, isn't s/he? Tsk tsk, needs to go on a diversity course too

Seriously, it's standard practice and has been for years to get either a second crew out to lift really obese, or even just really heavy people, or in the last resort, a Fire Brigade crew. This has been procedure for about 10 years. No big deal (excuse the pun).

With the UK becoming a nation of obese lard-arses (just look around the nick canteen!) we can't expect paramedics and EMTs to destroy their spinal columns picking up fatties. That she died in the meantime is certainly unfortunate, but would probably have happened anyway if she was that fat and that ill.

Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins for a reason you know!

11 June, 2007 13:45

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 20:07


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