This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

In Reply:

A commenter recently asked:

It's a cold, miserable, wet evening in Blandmore. You are on foot patrol at about 1.00a.m. with a colleague who likes to arrest people early on the shift, when you come across three or four lads who you know. They're a bit lippy and a bit pissed and have previous. So could be drunk and disorderly or whatever. Your colleague is all for a quick bust. Do you:
Ignore them?
Give them a warning to keep it quiet.
Nick one of them because it means you can go back to the station for a cup of tea.

I thought I'd see what you all thought. My answer is to give them a PND for Section 5 Public Order as that is a Recordable offence and therefore I get a Detection, without having to spend seven hours in custody. But my real answer is that I don't have anyone on my shift who likes to make early arrests, or any arrests. We're all too tired.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My philosophy is usually along the lines of, don't ignore it, nick them early. The reason being that the next job that comes in is guaranteed to be more crap. So you had just as well be in having a cup of tea and dealing with the early prisoner then picking up the next pile.

03 January, 2007 00:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm NOT a copper so in my view it my early twenties I encountered a very wise WPC who told me that if someone was pissed but heading peaceably and reasonably purposefully for home then she'd leave them alone (after ascertaining this info, obviously)...else she'd do them either for a drunk and disorderly, or a public disorder offence...she DID extend some extra tolerance at Christmas (as I once found out) ... magic lady

03 January, 2007 02:37

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your poll shows how tolerant we are towards this situation, though none of us like it. Perhaps if more were nicked, it would act as a deterrent. But are there enough coppers to go around? And what happens if they are too busy chasing kids like this and the real criminals get away?

I have just posted a report on the different police tactics used in America compared to Ipswich where 4 prostitutes have were murdered at the same time, it might interest you.

03 January, 2007 07:22

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicking people like this is my job.

I would of course in line with new guidance arrest DandD so as to reduce violent crime. (public order counts as violent crime D and D doesn't).

Crime together we can manipulate it for political ends.

03 January, 2007 15:48

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

Give them a ticket/arrest them early on before they cause problems later, which they almost certainly will

04 January, 2007 14:23

Blogger thoughts running through my head.... said...

early arrest,if it was later I might not be so keen though!!

08 January, 2007 18:51

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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03 April, 2009 19:23


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