This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Quick Stop-in:

For those of you who have kindly emailed me to ask whether I have been ousted by some form of Ginger Dog - which I must say I have read about on Inspector Gadget's blog with no illumination as to what it is - I have not and will be commencing my posts as of the New Year. This week I have been living in the dark hole of my bedroom, only surfacing to appear at work, sit in a transit van and watch two or three drunk people walking home, then to slope back to my bed. In Blandshire Constabulary the official term for this style of policing is "TRYING TO FIND A USE FOR ALL THE EXTRA PCS WE HAVE FORCED TO COME INTO WORK".

As of tonight I will be shaking hands with happy revellers and trying to fend off kisses from the less attractive ones. (Unless no attractive ones ask.) Come 2am I will be rolling in a puddle with more drunk men and with any luck will not trudge home until at least 7.30am when the Bank Holiday has commenced. In case anyone is wondering, Yes, I am working tonight.

Happy New Year.

Copyright of PC Bloggs.


Blogger PC South West said...

Yes the joy of working new years eve. I too will be rolling in that puddle and will think of you while rolling PC Bloggs.
Hope the less attractive ones don't bother you too much. The one with half a kebab on the side of his face as well.

31 December, 2006 16:36

Blogger hobbybobby said...

I hope it's a big puddle, as I'll be joining you and PC SouthWest in it tonight!

Have a good one, people!

31 December, 2006 17:02

Blogger TotallyUn-Pc said...

Dance dance), I don't do custody anymore, (Dance dance), I don't do custody anymore, Yeeeeeeeehaaaaa!

Oh and did I mention i was off tonight? (moonwalk) and that i don't do custody anymore anyway? did I? (twirl!) did I? Ha Ha!

And for ALL going out there tonight, be careful and watch each others always.
Stay safe and well. TUPC

31 December, 2006 18:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did un-pc mention that he is not doing custody anymore?

Happy New Year to you all.

31 December, 2006 20:58

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look on the bright side, at least your not on the bank holiday dayshift at minimun staffing levels (sorry we no longer have minimun staffing levels as we were going below them too often, they are now optimum staffing levels) dealing with all the extra prisoners bought in overnight by the usually office bound specialist PC's and token supervisors who have been pressganged into duty tonight and will no doubt be making public order arrests like their priority payments depend on it.

To all fellow officers and quite a few police staff and PCSO's as well, stay safe and keep laughing.
Happy New Year.

31 December, 2006 21:12

Anonymous Anonymous said...

PC Bloggs, thank you for your blog, and also thanks to all you Pcs out there for the work you do. You are respected and appreciated by at least one grateful member of the public :)
Happy (and safe) New Year to you all.

31 December, 2006 22:34

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree totally with the posting have a rotten job trying to look after us ordinary folk and I for one wish all coppers a happy and hopefully prosperous new year...

01 January, 2007 04:52

Blogger hobbybobby said...

I never got a New years snog from anyone... :(

The first person to wish me a Happy New Year was the ambulance driver who turned up to treat an assault victim with a lacerated scalp... What fun!!

01 January, 2007 08:21

Blogger staghounds said...

Go ugly early or go home alone.

I wish I had been in a puddle on New Year's night...

02 January, 2007 17:00

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03 April, 2009 19:03

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15 April, 2009 11:16


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