This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Old for New

Talk about recycling old presents and giving them away as new at Christmas, there has recently been a glut of old news dressed up as today's headlines.

Apart from the staggering news that hot drinks can help a cold, and that dogs feel jealousy, this month I have again read that patients will be able to rate their GPs online. Perhaps I'm suffering from festive fever, but I'm sure I read something like this and blogged on it about a year ago.

Has the public now become so gullible that it really is acceptable to publish as news things that have existed for days, months, years, even? Earlier this year the media broadcast the comments of McMillan-Scott MEP, who said if the UK had a system such as the US Amber Alert, Shannon Matthews would have been found sooner. It didn't seem to matter that the Child Alert was started in 2003 with the backing of Milly Dowler's parents, or that between 2004-2006, Child Rescue Alert was gradually adopted up by all UK forces. (And that's overlooking the basic truth that an Alert would not have found Shannon because her mother already knew where she was.)

The trouble with this endless regurgitation of news is that the public are now encouraged to flare up at the slightest thing, rant about it for a week, and then put it down and forget about it until it's mentioned again some time later.

We are becoming a nation of goldfish, with small excitements, small fears, and smaller hopes and dreams.

Is it wrong that I still desire to save the world, whether it wants saving or not?

'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in some bookstores and online.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately its not just the public who read about something in the papers and react in an extreme way to it-the Home Secretary is a regular source of over reacting to a news item-the past master of this was David Blunkett who seemingly went bonkers at the drop of a hat-or at the drop of some other piece of attire but we wont mention that-and if reports are to be believed he even wanted rioting prisoners machine gunned.Of course this madness has spread to senior officers who seem to react to the most minor problems with incandescent rage/shock/headless chickenitis-when in fact their job is to plan coordinate and be one jump ahead so that pressure is being applied to all crims/yobs and chavs all the time to create a climate of fear and to disrupt their activities and not just reacting to what they read in The Mail Grauniad or The Blandmore Times.But that would be too much to ask...Happy New Year

30 December, 2008 13:03

Blogger Hogdayafternoon said...

Yes indeedy, `civilisation` is but a very thin crust, or should that be `veneer`? It doesn't take much more than a shabbily written article following a conviction in a tragic abduction case and, lo and behold, a mob starts stoning the home of a local paediatrician.

30 December, 2008 15:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Lib Dems are at it today as well....
They have clocked that Dyfed Powys, Cumbria and Nortumbria have excellent detection rates and claim we could detect another 400 000 offences if all the Uk forces were as good as they were.....
Apart from the obvious ease of detecting offences when you are miles from the next nearest town - obviously decreaseing your list of suspects....where would the Lib Dems house all the extra offenders we would capture were we all to have such detections....!!!
They then claim we shouldnt jail as many offenders .. and it is the threat of detection that deters people....
What utter crap !! Most prolific and repeat offenders are only deterred by a stretch inside !!
Why is it Politicians seen to think they are experts on everything - and why do they meddle and interfere in things they know little about!
If they weren't such fruit-bats on other issues - the BNP would seem to be the sensible choice for law and order.
I however cannot support this legal British party - but I can Sinn Fein or SNP... how strange !!

30 December, 2008 18:59

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re Anon 18.59:
Nothing more certain to clog up the machinery than several dozen `bright young things` at the Home Office (or MP's research assistants) with access to dodgy police stats, a calculator and a penchant for creating pretty coloured pie-charts. Eureka! I've solved crime - now for world peace...

30 December, 2008 19:20

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is doubtful Ellie, that vain attempts to accommodate diversity will save the species before it drowns in the quicksand of depravity.

More likely that greed will almost wreck the planet before we learn to take full responsibilities for our actions, or demonstrate we are worth saving.

30 December, 2008 22:31

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Ellie, it is right to want to save the world, because it is worth saving. Some may not want the world saved, some may not even care, and some may even have a hidden agenda to seek its destruction. But there are many good people who do deserve to be saved. It is the corrupt politicians and others in positions of power, who need a swift kick up the backside, to stop them destroying the planet.

Dr Melv has a gloomy view of the situation, not unlike some guy calling himself the "Final Prophet" who had a rant on Coppersblog a while back. He was convinced that there is no "Saviour" and that we are all going to be destroyed. That opinion is incorrect, and destruction need not happen, IF people who know the truth about this appalling government actually DO something to stop their evil and deceptive agenda.

However, perhaps like Dr Melvin T Gray, some people are seeing the gloomy side of the situation and are too afraid to speak out, for fear of losing jobs and pensions......which won't mean a damn thing, if these corrupt politicians lead the world to ruin and destruction.

Cameron stated on the news, along with some Bishops a few days ago, that this government has lost its moral compass, is morally bankrupt and has been corrupted by power.
Spot on Dave Cameron!

31 December, 2008 01:57

Blogger The TEFL Tradesman said...

You're right, dearAnon. (and David Cameron) "this government has lost its moral compass, is morally bankrupt and has been corrupted by power".

But that's always been the downfall of every government, at least in my experience. Look at John Major's sleaze-ridden Tory party of the mid 1990s. Look at every totalitarian government in history.

Eventually, avarice and sleaze get the better of these governments, and they retreat into a bubble of fantasy, becoming ever-more detached from real life and the public at large. They then tend to treat their own people with contempt, and cling to power by every unscrupulous means possible.

Of course, what David Cameron really wanted to say was something more like "now it's our turn to lose our moral compass, become morally bankrupt and get corrupted by power ... please".

31 December, 2008 10:38

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean like 'Government says new legislation required to stop drug drivers' - when we have had Section 4 RTA since 1976 (driving whilst unfit through drink or drugs)

31 December, 2008 15:22

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gadget - the trouble is that the government have introduced so much legislation they forget what is in place! There is a leaked memo from the MOJ to the effect that the government is responsible for the state of the prisons, crime etc. The truth from within!!

31 December, 2008 16:16

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not wrong that you "still desire to save the world", but I am suprised that you are still trying.

I praise you for your efforts, but you will tire eventually. Let's hope that retirement isn't too far off, else you may become even more bitter and disillusioned than you already are.

Happy New Year.


31 December, 2008 18:13

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Michael, surely it is tiring of trying to save the world that equates to being bitter and disillusioned. I am neither of the above, or I wouldn't bother to blog about it.

01 January, 2009 18:47

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, you are an illiterate graduate failure, who blogs in order to pursue the fantasy of becoming sufficiently successful as an authoress to escape her "chosen" profession.

03 January, 2009 16:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

HALLELUJAH! Thank God that you do have the energy and the desire to save the world. It needs it now more than ever before, and it will take a woman Bloggsy!

These men are so full of pride and arrogance, as well as testosterone, that unless the women take a positive stand to calm all male anger and hostility towards one another, they WILL lead us to destruction, by Nuclear, given half a chance.

The women in Ireland took a stand against all the violence and helped to bring some calm and sanity to the situation. This is what needs to happen in Gazza and Israel, and other Islamic countries.

But what may provide a solution, is if this government actually told the truth, instead of covering it all up. [But fat chance of that happening!] Government has known for over 50 years, that religeous fanatics could bring about world destruction. They were given a great deal of helpful intelligence by a Divine Messenger, who was teasted by special branch officers and proved to be accurate and genuine.

That old "devil" Satan himself, was busy throughout time interfering with the teachings of Christianity and Islam particularly, to set people against each other. The Jews and the Muslims is an age old conflict fueled by misinformation and ignorance of the truth, the real word of God, which has been misunderstood by many.

God's message for humanity in THIS age, is that ALL THE TRIBES MUST LIVE IN PEACE, and forgive each other. Nuclear power and weapons must be abolished FOREVER, if humanity is to survive. The Lord God Almighty wants this world, that S/HE created, to be saved from destruction. ALL mention of "God" destroying this world in religeous writings is nothing more than Satan's trickery and lies.

We can also blame the devil himself, for all the persecution of women and gays over the many centuries. God loves us ALL equally. It is the misinformation within some of the main religions that has been the cause of the wars, suffering and distress to many throughout time.

There is but ONE Lord God Almighty, Jah, Jehovah, Allah, are just 3 of God the Creator's names. God is neither male nor female, and S/HE WANTS AN END TO ALL WARS.

Are you listening Israel and all you misguided Muslims?

The Messenger

04 January, 2009 00:39

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get the chance to talk to a lot of Police Officers from the UK still hold a dream of, if not saving the world, then at least making a few city blocks a bit safer.

A small group of them were telling me just that today, as I helped them train in the nuances of Canadian Law.

Pity really, though I must say that we are clearly benefitting from it.

06 January, 2009 04:18

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03 April, 2009 21:42

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15 April, 2009 12:58


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