The Scoop
In a first ever for this blog, today I will be revealing a SCANDAL from inside Blandshire Constabulary in a manner that could indubitably get me FIRED.
I hereby announce that on the 1st February 2008, Blandshire Constabulary LOST the names, addresses and contact details of over 130,000 people.
The data was left in a bag, in the back of an unmarked police vehicle, on display despite the force's own campaign against auto-crime, when thieves broke the rear passenger window and made off with it. The local Area Commander was informed and it was declared a Critical Incident, but this scandal was hidden from the media until today, as I feel it is in the public interest to let you all know the casual disregard my force holds for your privacy.
Victims of the breach need not take any action, but the publuic can assist by being vigilant:
If you do see a laptop bag containing a purple and white manual bearing the words "Blandmore" and "Phone Book" on the front, immediately dial 999. The data is OUT THERE and it could be used to PHONE you fraudulently at any moment!
I hereby announce that on the 1st February 2008, Blandshire Constabulary LOST the names, addresses and contact details of over 130,000 people.
The data was left in a bag, in the back of an unmarked police vehicle, on display despite the force's own campaign against auto-crime, when thieves broke the rear passenger window and made off with it. The local Area Commander was informed and it was declared a Critical Incident, but this scandal was hidden from the media until today, as I feel it is in the public interest to let you all know the casual disregard my force holds for your privacy.
Victims of the breach need not take any action, but the publuic can assist by being vigilant:
If you do see a laptop bag containing a purple and white manual bearing the words "Blandmore" and "Phone Book" on the front, immediately dial 999. The data is OUT THERE and it could be used to PHONE you fraudulently at any moment!
'Diary of an On-Call Girl' is available in all good bookstores and online.
This kind of blatant disregard for personal information is simply criminal!
If my phone starts mysteriously ringing without provocation - you'll be hearing from me!
Love the blog!
11 April, 2008 20:01
bit dodgy this one mate, hopefully you won't get some spineless shit from professional standards pricking their ears up to it, but be careful in any case :o)
11 April, 2008 22:37
The test is, the point at which you spotted it.
After feeling smug about not being taken in for a moment, I had an embarassing bit of confusion with the picture: immediately identified it as an electron micrograph of something, probably a fragment of forensic evidence given the police blog context, and spent minutes trying to figure out what that something was. God knows, I'd struggle with a Rorshach test.
Wishing all your future customers are equally daft. Make life a lot easier.
12 April, 2008 16:23
Looks like a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream to me.............
12 April, 2008 19:02
Oh Goodness, Ellie, you've done it now. Remember the fate of "Belfast Peeler"?
12 April, 2008 20:46
I'm amazed that there isn't already a racket stealing peoples personal data and selling it on Ebay this happens so often...
Still at least people won't have to go to the courts to get their DNA wiped off if they aren't charged - it'll get lost sooner or later! ;)
12 April, 2008 21:59
There's more to this than meets the eye.
Just a month ago someone lifted a Yellow Manual listing all the places of business with address, telephone numbers, etc. out of a DCI's car.
CIA or MI5?
13 April, 2008 00:27
Good Lord, these security breaches are worse than I thought. Arrgh arrgghh quick bolt all the doors, nail crookied planks of wood on all the windows!!!
The daily Mail will have a field day with this.
13 April, 2008 08:05
South Yorkshire Polices "critical incident" policy is worthy of inclusion in this...
Please feel free to contribute...
13 April, 2008 19:12
Thank my lucky stars I don't live in Blandmore. The person(s) responsible for the security of this manual clearly demonstrate a cavalier regard for my private information. If I did live in Blandmore however I would be relieved that it was only this public domain data that was lost and not my Bank details, Date of Birth, Child Benefit Info, Passport Number or whatever else should be regarded as NOT in the public domain data.
Lets get this in perspective. If I'm worried about my name and contact details being in the phone book I can have it removed. If I'm worried about Govt or Corporate entities having access to sensitive information relating to me or members of my family there isn't anything I can do about it. Consequently when such organisations are privilaged to hold such data on me, I expect them to bl**dy look after it and not leave on a train or post it to the USA.
Great read by the way... real eye opener!
24 July, 2008 04:21
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15 April, 2009 10:25
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