This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Where are all the laughing police officers?

As part of my blog I will be undertaking sporadic surveys of us worthy police folk worldwide.

For my inaugural survey, I ask the question:

Are there any happy police officers out there?

Not just happy with their lives, but actually happy with their jobs. Happy to go to work, happy they are treated as best as can be expected, happy they are able to do a good job. I ask this because in my searchings I have found not one happy bobby out there and I have to wonder why we all stay in the job if it is so awful?

Please reply by comment or email ( and I will publish the results of the survey in a week's time.

Stay safe.
PC Bloggs.

Copyright of this author


Blogger Stan Still said...

I'm very happy thank you. Mainly because I'm in a well run force (believe it or not) and I enjoy my work.

Pity those in Essex :-(

09 August, 2006 22:40

Blogger PC Plod said...

Well, I'm very happy, but then I'm still training and haven't seen life on section yet!

10 August, 2006 23:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's me, I'm the happy bobby! I absolutely love my job and, whilst I have some gripes, I generally look forward to going to work, putting in a full day and then going home satisfied.

For your records, I've got 4 years in, in a Northern urban town and have worked in uniform on section and then the tutor unit for the last 12 months.

11 August, 2006 15:41

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know we are not strictly the group you wanted to answer however as specials we are generally happy with our role as voulentary police officers. This is probably because we don't have the daily grind that you face. Having experienced the beaurocracy on a small scale I have full sympathy with officers who are buried under a mountain of paperwork.

14 August, 2006 12:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there,
I'm not COMPLETELY happy but I'm FAIRLY happy in my job.

However I am a community officer and so am used to hugging criminals and stroppy yoof and sending them on their way rather than submitting them to the useless pustules of the CPS to be NFA-ed. The Met ain't TOO bad - well my borough isn't too bad.

However it's still a boys' club where all the decisions are already made in the locker rooms or in the journeys in from Hertfordshire before they reach me, juicy jobs are given to my less-qualified (male) colleagues (despite my having my Part I OSPRE under my bat-belt) and I get to deal with visits to neighbour disputes. Clearly, despite having a couple of degrees as well, I am incapable of writing anything complicated like a PATP - not when a bloke friend of the skipper could be doing it, one who ISN'T currently looking for evidence for their TOWBAR application,as I am.
That said, none of this is deliberate, just ignorance, and I actually do really like my team and my job. I will just have to go to the Dark Side for my evidence -- Safer Neighbourhoods!!

14 August, 2006 19:35

Blogger staghounds said...

We have a few, maybe one in 20.

I'm a happy prosecutor, if that's any good.

Welcome to the internet, I'll put you on the roll.

You might like these entries in mine, including the gay police monitoring form. In case you need the affirmative action.


14 August, 2006 23:48

Blogger McNoddy said...

There must be some happy Polis out there, maybe they just don't blog!

15 August, 2006 02:08

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Had a few chuckles at your tongue in cheek dits. Many a true word spoken in jest. Keep it up and bring some sunshine into the world.

And always remember: Laws are like cobwebs, that may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through. (Swift)

15 August, 2006 05:20

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15 April, 2009 08:10


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