This is the official blog of ex-Sgt Ellie Bloggs. I was a real live police constable then sergeant for twelve years, on the real live front line of England. I'm now a real live non-police person. All the facts I recount are true, and are not secrets. If they don't want me blogging about it, they shouldn't do it. PS If you don't pay tax, you don't (or didn't) pay my salary.

(All proceeds from Google Ads will be donated to the Police Roll of Honour Trust)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Time to bash the courts

Let me tell you a little story.

Paddy and Fred are best friends. They live in the town of Blandmore, Blandshire. There isn't much to do in Blandmore, so on a Friday night Paddy and Fred put on their best fighting togs and go out on the town. They get bladdered, wind up a total stranger and hope to roll in the dust for a few minutes before being towed apart by some rozzers who they can then call "mother fucking cunting bastard" for the next ten hours in the cells. They like to drink lots of teas and coffees and get free food, and then a smartly dressed person who went to school turns up and listens to their stories. Paddy and Fred aren't liars, so they tell him what they did and the smartly dressed person speaks to a lovely police officer who says that Paddy and Fred were seen on CCTV and witnessed by three people. The smartly dressed person tells Paddy and Fred he will sort it out for them, and their best bet is just to say nothing.

Then they like to go to Magistrate's Court where they put on their best tie, wash their face and listen to some frightfully clever people speaking in very posh voices for a few hours. Sometimes someone asks Paddy and Fred why they didn't tell the police about the man with the knife who came from nowhere wearing a mask and tried to kill them. Paddy and Fred say that a smartly dressed man at the police station told them not to.

The magistrate isn't best pleased, but he can't really be sure that there wasn't a man in a mask with a knife. More to the point, poor Paddy and Fred were so drunk that night that he can't be sure they didn't THINK there was a man in a mask with a knife, in which case their actions seem perfectly reasonable. The magistrate releases them without charge, whereupon Paddy and Fred call him a "mother fucking cunting bastard". The magistrate is a bit peeved by this, but people in positions of authority are expected to put up with any behvaiour, so he just nods wisely and makes a mental note to be cross to his wife later on.

I HATE THE COURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PC Bloggs.

Copyright of this author


Blogger BluesAndTwos said...

Hello PC Bloggs,
Welcome aboard.
I'll add yours to my list of daily reads.
Blues And Twos

11 August, 2006 16:19

Blogger ExtraSpecialCopper said...

amen to that! Great little story I also hate the courts. Am enjoying your blog by the way

11 August, 2006 17:05

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice blog, enjoying it very much.

You don't actually live in Blandford, ie the home of the Royal Signals I assume :>.

11 August, 2006 18:36

Blogger thinblueline said...

for every 10 lost you get 1 decent long evil sentence...

12 August, 2006 15:07

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure you are a police officer?

How can a magistrate release someone "without charge"?

Has the magistrate in your story forgotten about his/ her powers to jail people for contempt of court?

While we are about it, why only one magistrate not the usual bench of three? Perhaps you are complaining about a District Judge or a Scottish Sheriff or a NI Resident Magistrate? Perhaps you have never been to court.

14 August, 2006 15:54

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Anonymous - you are right, a magistrate cannot release without charge although I bet they would if they could! Must have been in a livid leaping rage when I wrote it and not thinking.
In answer to the contempt of court suggestion - I quite agree they should but they don't! The magsitrates in my area are too afraid of their own shadows to stand up in court and make a ruling.
Thanks for the comments!

16 August, 2006 11:03

Blogger Bystander said...

Well I'm a real magistrate, and I just don't recognise the picture that you paint. That's the sort of crap that probationers are fed late at night in the canteen, when all the bacon sarnies have gone.

17 August, 2006 00:17

Blogger PC Bloggs said...

Bystander: Sigh... I wish it were just a myth, but sadly I have seen this happen many a time. I am not blaming you guys (well just a bit) - sometimes the system just lets us all down.

17 August, 2006 23:53

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The magistrates are completely feeble. Unless your a motorist of course, then theyll happily have your cash.

01 September, 2006 02:56

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03 April, 2009 18:10

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15 April, 2009 08:09


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